Coffee's ready...

Everything is perfect here in Buckeye country. Mainly, because I am not in MICHIGAN! Sorry,
Go Bucks!

I think that the purpose of this thread was to share a portion of our day and a cup of coffee with friends both old and new. So instead of saying something catty like we're also glad you are in Ohio I'll just say pull up a chair, sit a spell and have a cup of coffee with us.
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We all have to be some age.
My oldest daughter is 19 and in collage, Next Daughter is 18 and in Basic training for the army. I still have 3 in High School. I feel old when I think of it that way.

I'm 40, But feel 28 ... and that is what's important.
I just finished a cup o' my favorite blackberry fizzy drink. But I am about ready for a nice glass of White Zin' I hope that will qualify.

Just a kid, you are, Holly O.
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Thank You.

I was working on my Small Barn Coop yesterday and today.
Just need to do the prettyfying (trimming it out)
I'm very pleased with it. I'll take pic's tomorrow.

Drinking Diet Coke here... I live on the stuff.
My day was unfortunately the first D-day for me.... I had to cull a cockerel. I am hoping to sell the rest of the little buggers before they get too crow-y. The rest of the day was pleasant a mix of downpours and sunshine. Typical weather here on the coast in Washington state.

I can't wait to see your coop. Be sure to post a reminder on this thread so I can go out and look at it!

I am going to take my glass-o-wine to my nice clean tub right now and put in one of my Dexter discs that arrived today from Netflix. Somehow Dexter seems rather appropriate to end the day considering how I started it.
I spent part of the day working on the addition to my layer coop. I added 48 square feet on to it. I managed to get the vinyl siding on the front and hopefully tomorrow I can get the rest finished. Still hard to believe I've built all I have when I was only going to get 3 or 4 hens. Last count was 40 birds.

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