Coffee's ready...

some days my DS takes coffee and adds cappicino mix to it. Now there's a stiff dose.
4 cups and some jumping jacks and I STILL can't get off the couch . . .
Good day to all!
Good morning all! I'm drinking Maxwell House Hazlenut coffee. It's like 58 degrees here and looks to be a nice day. Cats are fed, chickens are out, and I have off of work. Yes, life is good!
nice joke now i must leave until tomorrow so ww does not choke me over the little joke.
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Since coffee is the subject....

I started roasting my own a few years back. I am so hooked. It take about 13 minutes in my newest coffee roaster that has a computer programmer. The coffee is best left until the next day so the taste can mellow. But WOW! The taste is as good as the first sniff of a newly opened package of pre-roasted brands.

If you are drinking anything else. You are not treating yourself well enough, I swear! Runs me about $6 per pound if I buy the green in 5lb bags. The newest roaster was a couple hundred, but my first one was well under $100 and paid for itself with the very first cup.

My last thought is really a suggestion/recipe: Try dishing yourself up a large scoop of really creamy ice cream. Make some REALLY strong coffee. pour some coffee over the ice cream and start eating before it gets a chance to cool down much. Absolute Heaven!!!!!!!
Just fixin' to get up and get my second cup. From the posts here it would appear that Mrs Olsen was right. I drink Folgers as well but I use their Black Silk grind. Summer is still technically the season we are in but old Mother Nature seems to think that it is already fall. Forty three degrees is not summer like.
Nope, its pretty chilly out there....even the dogs don't stay out long! We take one of the fosters (a shih tzu) to a new home this morning. He will have a great life there!

The roosters are still in bed--no crowing yet!

I'm drinking my second cup of coffee-nothing special.
Buenos dias!



Dia dhuit ar maidin

or simply put...GOOD MORNING!

I'm off to open the coop. I have my 2nd cup in hand to keep me warm on the to find a jacket.
I've got to get winter clothes back out already!

Be back later friends!
Forgot to ask...

does anyone know how to get rid of a nest of bumblebees?

After getting stung a few times last night trying to "discourage" them, I decided there had to be a better way.
They're in my hay stall on the floor beneath the loose I can't exactly avoid them. I've never been stung by a b-bee, but man do they hurt!
My arm has a huge welt on it this morning and is incredibly sore...those guys pack a punch!

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