French frogs

That's great...I always wished I'd done something worth that...but being a mechanic always paid the bills....someone's is okay this very elderly man hears I was a "topshelf" mechanic and asked if I would look At his truck.
The shops in town had been looking at it several times. I hooked up my scope for him and in the a few minutes determined he had a bad crank sensor...
The shop wanted to charge him a $100 just to look at it. shops do need to make money...but at some point you need to cut someone a break when you aren't good enough to figure our the problem in a reasonable timeframe....and yes I am the "go to guy" for difficult diagnosis. (Sorry a little tooting my own horn)

I ran my own business for 20 years on that principle. If I say I can fix it and can't, no charge. Never a charge until the work was done for anything brought into the shop. I had a great repeat customer base until the auto industry crashed here. I sold the shop to the guy who worked for me and spent a few years saving historic homes scheduled for demolition, and documenting many more. Then I started heading back to something that could pay the bills, and did a few car restorations and worked for a NASCAR team before settling down to a corporate job.
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He looks so grown up!  Big little man!  It's amazing how much alike they look.

The light one looks like a Narragansett but something else is going on in her colors, Narris are normally silver and black, she looks more silver and gray at least in that photo.

I have a boy and a girl with that lighter shade, or at least similar, lol... I'll get better pics of all of them, these were a spur of the moment thing... OGB was miffed I wouldn't let them go near Lady Grey and Crash's kids...
Hope you are having a great time Deb!

I've got 11 Barnies in the tote and one drying off in the incubator! Hatch may be done, I'll candle the remaining eggs in a bit and see if there's any signs of life in the last 7.

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