Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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Everyone should operate within the law. Cats are allowed to run free by law. Dogs are not.

The types of complaints I see here are because humans are living too close to one another.

I love all animals. I am not so crazy about people. (De-claw a cat? How cruel!)

Find a way to (legally) live in harmony with all beings around you.
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What about the people that lets their dogs outside? Hmm? That is no different. I have two dogs, a cat, a horse, and 65 chickens. They all live together in harmony! Cat's must be free to roam or they will 'do their business' all over your house! You obviously don't have a cat. I hope you never get one because it will be sad for the cat. My cat would tear apart a dog that chased it. It is my property and I can flip if I want to over someone's dog or cat or whatever trespassing on my land. I don't want to start an argument but, here you go, here are your good reasons for being a jerk. I let my chickens out in the yard and my cat never messes with them. Some people just don't know when to stop talking, do they. I wouldn't say cat owners are the selfish irresponsible ones.
I am sorry it is so hard for you to accept any perspective other than your own. As a matter of fact, I do not "flip" if a dog or other animal harasses my cat. I realize there is a risk in letting them out, even to the limited extent that I do it, and I accept that. Just like I still drive my car even though I am aware of the frequency of car accidents. Sometimes the gain in quality of life is worth the risk. As for your comment my own selfishness costing my pet's life -- Well, I see the exact opposite. I think it is selfish to confine them to prolong their lives. I think they would accept the risk, if they were capable of weighing the risks and benefits. But they are not capable, so I have to do that for them.

I had a cat. He was the best cat ever. I loved him to pieces. One day he didn't come back. We were talking to one of our neighbors and something slipped out about another neighbor that had traps out for cats because of birds. I cry every time I see his picture. What makes a chicken more important than a cat? I have chickens, and I love them, but I will never love them as much as I loved that cat. Leave the cats alone! My cat has never gotten a chicken in her lifetime. She goes all around the neighborhood and I have never gotten complaints. She stays near the house now ever since we found her nearly dead with a ripped up bloody, almost broken leg that looked had been pulled out of a trap. That is evil and cruel. Leave the cats alone and make better chicken coops. If cats get your chickens, it's your fault for not being able to keep them out.
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If your cat gets caught in a trap while roaming on someone elses property, it's your fault for not keeping him home. Your logic, not mine.
Honestly, there's some common sense that should be involved here. If a cat is killing chickens *on purpose*, then the owners should be contacted and they have a choice to make - keep the cat inside or if the cat kills again there are consequences (whatever those may be).

If a cat is climbing on a roof and falls in and SCARES the chickens, well let's be realistic here... The cat isn't trying to kill the chickens. The cat is being a cat. If a large goose landed on your roof and fell in and the same thing happened, would you kill the goose? That would be ridiculous, it had no idea the roof was bad, it isn't trying to kill anything, it was a mistake.

I see all these people angry at cats - some even angry that they are pooping on their property. WHAT??? so does every other wild living creature. Are you killing every bird that craps on your lawn?

Intent is important. If something is INTENDING to kill your chickens, it will probably come back and continue to come back until it does. You have every right to deal with that. *MOST* cats, in my experience, are not targeting chickens. They are predators, yes, but mostly to birds, mice (which is beneficial to you) and other SMALL animals. I have a barn cat who is around my chickens all the time and has NEVER tried to bother one. He goes in my neighbor's yard all the time. they don't have chickens, but they do have pond fish (which he doesn't bother with either, I have some too). But if he killed one, I'd be forced to decide whether or not to keep him inside, rehome him, or take the chance that my neighbor would deal with him. I accept that. If he SCARED one of their fish and my neighbor killed him, we'd have some very real problems...

I think of cats as "wild animals" in a sense. I don't mind if they are around, but if they target an animal of mind with the intent to kill, it needs to go.
You guys are really getting worked up - A cat fell through a not so sturdy part of a pen. Everything else has been stuff that didn't happen. Look, until it's illegal to have cats roam, people are going to let cats roam. Personally, if I had a cat, i'd build it one of those yard/sunrooms attached to the house so he could go out, but not be injured or cause any trouble. But I go the extra mile. Most people just let the cards fall where they lay...
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