grannys gone and done it

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Mutt thank you so much. You didn't have to do that.
I don't mind at all. Here is another. Leave It IMO is the 2nd most important command. Leave it means ignore what you were looking at and immediately focus on me. Like the cat on the other side of a busy highway, the chunk of rat poison you just dropped...etc. Here's another link. When they mention "clicker", that's just a marker to tell the dog exactly when it did right. The word "YES!" as you deliver the treat is the same.
Step 2 is working the dog on lead at a distance with the leave it command.
whats #1 ? come ?
I just ate 5 eggs and still hungry !
of course they were just one bite each. lol if i were selling them i just had a $30. breakfast.
me too mutt. LOL you might be sorry you told us what you do as i need tons of help. Lily, of course. acts like she is blind when she starts through the house she bumps shins. very painful.
your new dog looks like Ben. beautiful eyes . how old is he/she ? I know you mentioned a therpy dog for robert . did you know i had a dog that would alert me to my sugar drops. a couple min. before i knew. I loved that dog and think of her all the time. she was a rescue from detroit dog pound. she was a mess ! english setter white/black. she was coated in poop and went under surgery like that . then they wouldnt wash her. she weighed 11 lbs. she gained a lb. a day for 11 days she walked on her hind feet. i got a muzzle collar and a back pack for her. she ate socks . she was horrid. took a yr. to get her normal. LOL first time she jumped on me and wrapped her paws around my neck I thought she was nuts. she was alerting me. she did it every time. when my mother moved in with me she brought her little dog and she forced me to get rid of my bambi. I have never felt that way about another dog and still wonder if she lives or had a good life. I kept her collar. I took her to a dog shelter in lincoln park Mi.
Granny, I do very few things well. I don't ever mind trying to help steer someone toward a solution. Dog training is my passion. Training owned dogs so they can keep their homes, training shelter dogs so they can find a home, and training service dogs for the disabled. I LOVE your story about the DAD (Diabetic Alert Dog)! And she came from the pound! It just amazes me how some dogs alert to blood sugars and seizures with no training at all. Bambi was alerting to a change in the smell of your breath. I wish you could find a nice, sensitive, attentive kinda dog. With miss Lily, I'd carry a fly swatter and swing it around as I walk to teach her to keep a foot away from you. I'd also smack her with it if she jumped on me. I'm all about fluffy training, but those 2 things are dangerous for you.
Hahaa! Hubs made us a DE-lish omlette last night. I think he must have cracked 20 tiny eggs for it. Mmmm

Still no rain in my part of CA. Weather is nice right now, not too hot, but even the weedy plants, that can usually survive under any conditions, are starting to die. Major pruning this fall.

Replaced the roosts in both coops to flat 2x4s. I've had tree limbs in there for years, but notice as the hens get older, they are not as comfortable on them. Of course, they were freaked out at the change. Took some of them a long time to get down this morning. What is that? Can I jump on that?
whats #1 ? come ?
I just ate 5 eggs and still hungry !
of course they were just one bite each. lol if i were selling them i just had a $30. breakfast.
Yup. I've had several whopping double yolkers from my EE this week. She's not a new layer. What could cause or fix that? I'm worried she'll get egg bound.

I pigged out on an omlet for a midnight snack the other night. I liked it, but it didn't like me. Gave me the back door trots all night.
Granny, I do very few things well. I don't ever mind trying to help steer someone toward a solution. Dog training is my passion. Training owned dogs so they can keep their homes, training shelter dogs so they can find a home, and training service dogs for the disabled. I LOVE your story about the DAD (Diabetic Alert Dog)! And she came from the pound! It just amazes me how some dogs alert to blood sugars and seizures with no training at all. Bambi was alerting to a change in the smell of your breath. I wish you could find a nice, sensitive, attentive kinda dog. With miss Lily, I'd carry a fly swatter and swing it around as I walk to teach her to keep a foot away from you. I'd also smack her with it if she jumped on me. I'm all about fluffy training, but those 2 things are dangerous for you. 

I don't mind at all. Here is another. Leave It IMO is the 2nd most important command. Leave it means ignore what you were looking at and immediately focus on me. Like the cat on the other side of a busy highway, the chunk of rat poison you just dropped...etc. Here's another link. When they mention "clicker", that's just a marker to tell the dog exactly when it did right. The word "YES!" as you deliver the treat is the same.
Step 2 is working the dog on lead at a distance with the leave it command. 
Mutt thank you so much! It is amazing the wonderful dogs you can get at the pound. Honestly some of my best dogs did come from the pound. Again thank you so much . I've saved both links. I read the first but since I have crs I figured I'd save it . Now hopefully I'll remember I saved it lol. If I should ask again, someone please jump in and say (you stupid idiot, it's saved on your cell )
LOL I do have the fly swat handy but she dont jump she is head butting like a bull. shes not doing it on purpose. more exercise maybe ? I dont think there is anything to be done with very large eggs. I have heard hens like that can end up with ovarian cancers or egg bound. I guess i would add a little oil to the diet. dont know if that would be good for them or not but i would give it a try. and if you do find her to be egg bound tums is the answer to that. and a warm soak.

wishing very funny about the 2x4s. I have tree limbs in mine and 2x4s. I think of the chickens like i wish i had done for my son. expose them to as many different things as you can when they are young including foods. Was it you that put the dueling chickens on twists post yesterday ? then the ones drinking ? I have need of the ones that were drinking ..
Mutt, I don't think there's anything you can do about a double yolker. It seems to be a genetic thing. Just keep the oyster shell dish full. That keeps the shells strong so the egg won't break and the calcium is also needed for muscle contractions to push the egg out. Ouch! Poor baby, but if she's passed several already, she'll probably be okay. In 4 years, I haven't gotten a single double.
Mutt, I don't think there's anything you can do about a double yolker. It seems to be a genetic thing. Just keep the oyster shell dish full. That keeps the shells strong so the egg won't break and the calcium is also needed for muscle contractions to push the egg out. Ouch! Poor baby, but if she's passed several already, she'll probably be okay. In 4 years, I haven't gotten a single double.

a single double .
me neither either
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