Help needed with Jack Russell vs the birds


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 6, 2014
If there is anyone who owns a Jack Russell and has mastered the art of keeping him or her away from their birds, please reply!
My Jack Russell is way too interested in my babies. We lost one of our ducklings and we are now thinking it was the jack who got it and not the weimeriner. (He had the duck in his mouth but has paid no attention to them) today, Patrick (my jack) grabbed one of the ducklings who fell out the coop. My husband was quick and grabbed Patrick before he could kill the duckling. Duckling is fine, I checked it over, no blood and is happy eating and drinking.
I have looked online for answers. I have had many jacks and know they are crafty! Simply teaching them no doesn't work because as soon as your back is turned they are off again!
I wanted to use a shock collar because then he would think he gets the shock from the birds but husband said they are too expensive, so I thought super soaker? Like if I hide and he might think he gets that from the birds? He hates getting wet.
But if anyone has any ideas please let me know!
We out him on a chain when I'm dealing with the birds but I want them to be free range eventually and I need Patrick to know he can't eat them!
Did some of your post not come through? Because that's just singing to the choir here. I have owned Jack Russell's all my life and around small animals that have lived in cages. I know they want to kill them. My question was does anyone know how to get a Jack Russell to be tollerent with the birds. This being my first experience with birds.
My post came through all right. As for making a Jack Russel safe around poultry and small animals, I am not sure it can be done. If you insist on trying, your best bet would be to contact a professional dog trainer.
Here's my advice:

Even if you manage to train your JR to ignore the poultry, never leave them alone together unsupervised. The same goes for the Weim.

Even the best dogs can be tempted by the running, flapping, cheeping, fluffy things. If you don't want losses, don't give them the opportunity to happen
I don't see how you'd ever trust him around them. You'll need to decide if you want free rang poultry or free range JRT. I'm thinking both can't happen safely, or your dog's going to start himself on a raw prey animal diet
I don't have JR but I did have trouble with my GS, and the only option was the zapper (the one with the remote) this is a bit price but a good investment, you can buy the double (what i have) so later you can add another collar/dog, this system will work for ever just need to charge battery and you could train every dog in the future if need it.
It only took 2 tries for my dog to get the message, he does not even wear it now, and when he goes on his herding mode i just show him the remote and he gets back to be a saint.

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