Pea Peckers

Poor Sweepea, maybe once her peck wounds are 100% healed she could go back with them? Or maybe she could live with you?


Done that, and they have pecked her eyelid bloody a second time. She spent the night in her old cage and this morning we went back out to the new brooder for hand feeding. She was eating with the offenders and they pecked her again and again she just laid her head in my feeding hand and let them go at it.
We are letting them run together with a watchful eye on them.

My sister has been trying to get us to bring Sweepeas cage into the house for weeks! I think that would stress the parrots too much.
Besides being initially painful when applied and very stressful for the birds to get used to, the peepers are constantly irritating to the nostrils and can also interfere with the birds' ability to effectively clear their nostrils... creating a buildup of gunk and bacteria. That could just be begging for sinus infections that Peas are already so susceptible to. I'd also worry about scar tissue forming in the nostrils and making them more prone to having sinus issues for the rest of their lives once the peepers are removed. I have personal experience (both good and bad) with using assorted styles of peepers on several kind of birds over the years, just not with Peas... so these sinus infection issue concerns that the peepers could cause your Peas are JMO, but food for thought.

Completely separating SweetPea from the others when she gets picked on just paints a big red bull's eye on her face every time you try to add her back in. Even Peachicks can become protective and territorial of their perceived flock and area. So instead of taking SweetPea out, I'd put her in her cage for protection but leave her cage inside the new brooder/pen with everybody so she's not a complete stranger to the flock each time you try to add her back in. After leaving her caged in the pen for a week or 2, see if the 2 little cannibals go after her again when you let her out... if they do then I would try caging those 2 for a couple weeks instead, and let poor lil SweetPea have time to acclimate to her new home and flock-mates. If no one else tries to cannibalize her while the 2 meanies are locked up but they immediately start attacking her again when you add them back in, then obviously those 2 lil peckers will need their own pen (or a trip to the auction if they are not worth the effort and expense of building another pen). Hopefully they will outgrow that bad habit tho and won't have to be blacklisted as cannibals for life

I really don't want to use the peepers, it is that I am getting frustrated and don't want my precious to get hurt. Thanks for the good ideas we will see what will fit into our situation and go from there. They very well might have to find a new home, I have been wanting to watch how they color out but they are just IB looking now but they are split to BS so I don't really know what to watch for as far as color change.
Poor Sweet Pea she has had a rough start in life but she will grow up to be a tough ol gal, sending healing prayers her way.
You could throw in a big ol tree branch with leaves all over it to give them something to do, it sounds like they are board, this will give them something new to do taking their attention off of sweet pea, if that don't work i would seperate the thugs for a couple days.

I am on it! So far most of them are still kind of freaked at being in their new digs. It does not help that I have four boughten ones that are wild as March Hares and that makes my tame ones run away. We have some sprigs of maze we can hang in there too.
I am on it! So far most of them are still kind of freaked at being in their new digs. It does not help that I have four boughten ones that are wild as March Hares and that makes my tame ones run away. We have some sprigs of maze we can hang in there too.
I never tried mine in a new place, be using the brooder there for the last 4 years but i have learned one thing about peas young and old, they like things to change up a bit even the free rangers enjoy me moving stuff around, they love when my DH grinds a stump or i haul a load of dirt in and pile it up by the Barn, they absolutely love it when i cut down a tree and either leave it where it is or pull it up by the barn for their entertainment any kind of change heck they make their own changes in life when it comes to making their morning rounds, never know which direction they went, the only thing consistent with them is what time they come down from thew roost in the morning
i think that is why i love them so i feel the same way about life, i make changes as i feel a need just to break up the routine

Walking with Annie

Peas at the pond

Peas in the pea gravel

Everyone loves a fresh sand pile

More peas in the pea greavel

Peas helping plant the garden
this was so funny DH was planting garlic but he made all the holes first then was walking down the row and dropping the garlic in the hole but was not covering it up for what ever reason, what he did not know is Patch was right behind him plucking it from the whole and tossing them about by time DH got to the end of the row Patch had tossed about half of them out of the whole.. DH learned a lesson from a pea that day always cover up your seeds around here

More dirt and sand happy peas and dogs too.

Bathing in the old stump gridings after they dried

Termites yummy

She is helping me balence the stump it so i can carry it off with the tractor silly girl

Fresh cut tree what fun

Nothing better than a round bale on a cold winters day.

More dirt more fun

Bugs in a stump

Ring around the roses

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