Any Home Bakers Here?

I would encourage anyone who has questions about milk allergies or a lactose intolerance, along with the differences between goat milk and cow's milk, to do a little digging.

Anyone who makes, or has made, cheese knows that milk easily separates into two main parts...solids and liquid. Casein is the solids, or proteins, and whey is the liquid.
A person can be truly allergic to either the casein or the whey, or both.
More people are allergic to casein than whey, and it is not uncommon for a smaller percentage of those who are allergic to cow's milk to be able to consume goat's milk. The protein chains of goat's milk are slightly different than that of cows.

Some children can outgrow allergies, and allergies can develop in adults at any time.

I'm rusty these days on the deeper details of milk proteins like Alpha s1 casein and Alpha s2 casein, because I was really hopeful that kiddo would be one of the smaller percents who could still consume goat milk. But alas, it was not to be, and my cheese making and fresh milk using days are behind me.

Lactose intolerance is different than a true allergy, and is the inability to break down or digest the sugar portions of milk. There is less lactose in goat milk, and the molecules are smaller and more consistent, making it tolerable for some with a lactose intolerance.

A milk allergy should not be confused with lactose intolerance.

A food allergy happens when your immune system overreacts to a specific food protein. When you eat or drink the food protein, it can trigger an allergic reaction. Symptoms can range from mild (rashes, hives, itching, swelling, etc.) to severe (trouble breathing, wheezing, loss of consciousness, etc.). A food allergy can be potentially life-threatening.

Unlike food allergies, food intolerances do not involve the immune system. People who are lactose intolerant are missing the enzyme lactase. Lactase breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. As a result, people with lactose intolerance are unable to digest these foods. They may experience symptoms such as nausea, cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea. While lactose intolerance can cause great discomfort, it is not life-threatening.


Here in the US most goat dairies that have dairy permits, grade A or grade B, which are required for any products you may buy in a store, have their goat kids disbudded (horn buds removed) thus they grow up without horns. As do most dairy goat breeders. It conforms to registered dairy goat breed standards and breeding for polled goats (born without horn buds) is a very desirable trait.

True, some backyard owners do not disbud, but dairy goats with horns are generally not permissible in goat shows, from 4-H and local sanctioned shows to Nationals.
And I have never seen research on, nor heard of, the horns having any effect on the casein or whey structures of milk, goat or cow.

The characteristics of milk do change from breed to breed in a species, like butterfat content which causes differences in cheese quality for example, but the structures of mammal milk remain the same.
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I wondered if you have any shortage of stuff like sunflower seed oil or flour?! Here in Germany, we obviously import almost 80% of our sunflower seed oil from Russia and the Ukraine ( known as the corn belt of Europe), since there is a war going on, we have had massive shortage of sunflower seed oil, flour and canned corn ( obviously, we are importing that, too :( ) Right now it is crazy the shelves are empty, no canned tomatoes or fish, sold out pasta , four and sunflower seed oil, even ( again 🙈) toilet paper seems to be runnung out, but maybe it is cos gas prices have skyrocketed, almost 1€ more a liter 😓 some of the trucking companies already have gone belly up cos they can’t finance the gas prices 😬
Although there were many shortages the last 2 years because of the pandemic, like toilet paper, right now things are somewhat ok except high gas prices. But predictions are the US will be hit soon with some of the shortages because Ukraine exports so much wheat. Animal feeds, flours, and grains specifically, along with general supply issues from fuel costs.
I wasn’t sure how active the hot sauce sd starter would be this morning. Here is a comparison before feeding with flour and more hot sauce.
I definitely can’t share anything made with this with the dog. :lol:
I blew a fuse years ago. Like… five years. A guy came to replace it, and after he left (no fee), I realized I didn’t have power in one wall, both sides. I assumed he took the fuse from there. Not only have I had to run an extension cord to do laundry, but my kitchen has been out of whack all this time too. Do you know what I just did? I risked my life going down into the basement, climbed an old wooden ladder, opened the fuse box, and… flipped the stupid switch to that wall. :rant:mad: I don’t have the ability to put the kitchen back in order. Too many “farming accidents” have me unable to do things.
My poor poor kitchen.
Ugh, I feel you. Both on the wiring and farm accidents.
I'm glad you figured out how to get the power back in your wall at least.

My last place had ancient wiring and the old buss fuse style box. The round ones you screw in that scare you to bits while they snap and pop at you.
Only 3 main sections and the wackiest connections ever. Lots of problems and orange extension cords. Everything had to be scheduled out so as to not overload the system because running a microwave at the wrong time could blow out half the house.
When flour is scarce, and you have far too many eggs, this recipe might be handy for all of us. Look up Popover or Dutch Baby recipes and play with it using regular flour, milk, and butter.

The recipe can be sized down easily, is forgiving, and mine is altitude adjusted.

Pseudo Dutch Babies/baked crepes - Gluten free and Dairy free
16 eggs
2 cups plant milk
3/4 to 1 cup GF flour mix - one meant for pancakes, muffins, brownies, etc **
Glob of canola oil (glob meaning around a 1/4 cup...ish, I don't measure)

-Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
-Generously grease four metal 9 x 13 cake/baking pans * with cooking spray
-Mix all ingredients thoroughly. You can use a mixer or hand held blender with whisk attachment, or a drink blender. The batter will be very thin.
-Divide evenly between the pans, which is about 1 & 3/4 cup per cake pan depending on egg sizes.
-Bake for around 30 minutes, or until golden brown to your liking and crispness. Batter will puff up A LOT while baking, like a pop over or Yorkshire pudding. If you open the door before they are set they will fall, so don't do it. Look through the window instead.
-Cool on a wire rack. If left in the pan to cool, they may stick badly.

* Any metal pan size/shape will do, just keep the batter amount thin. If you only have two pans, bake one round, turn them out onto a rack, re-spray your pans, add more batter, and bake another round.

It's like an eggy flat bread and can be wrapped around sweet or savory fillings. It also works for sandwiches in a pinch. You can add whatever you want to the batter, like sugar, or ground flaxseeds, herbs, spices, etc...or you can sprinkle things on the wet batter before baking like cinnamon sugar.

This was modified from a traditional popover/dutch baby recipe to be both GF and DF. Then I really started stretching the limits of just how little flour I could get away with. I wasn't trying to make a low carb food, but it is low carb. Half a pan, or about the size of two slices of bread, equals about 2 eggs, 2 TBSP milk, and 1 TBSP flour, roughly.

** I make my own GF flour mix just for this recipe, but mine contains some of the 1:1 GF replacers that already have xanthan gum in them, as well as higher amounts of whole grains like millet and flaxseed. I have used Bob's Red Mill 1 : 1 Gluten Free replacer only, and it works, just not quite as puffy.



While Baking:


And Done:

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