BYC Café

Still snowing. Pushing 2 feet, really.
I hope you get the house, DL. That is a great price!
Diva, send a shopping list and I bet we can fill it and send it for cheaper!
We're under contract. Once we get through the 3 day attorney review, it's just a waiting game while the attorneys do abstract searches and prepare the deed.
Did Bella's former life leave her with long term tendon wastage DL?
If so is there something you can do to strengthen them on top of the care and exercise you are already giving her?
She slammed into Apollo. She uses her body as a battering ram on him to knock him over.
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I've just agreed to rehomed a young cockerel and two hens; brother and two sisters.
(Knocks most recent hatchings)
A young man I've known for a few years through my niece turned up last night asking if I could spare a male and two or three females.
He and his family are circus people and used to keep chickens as pets and performers. Their last chicken died a couple of months ago, a nine year old rooster. The young man has taken an interest in woodwork and has been working with an established woodworker on this mountain. The young man has refurbished the coop and built a new run. The run is 10 metres by 5 metres and it's hawk proof.
I can't build any more coops and these three may well have ended up on the table at some point.
I'll be sad to see them go but out of the inquiries I've had this young man would be my choice for a responsible chicken keeper. If the circus reopens they may well feature in future performances.
These are the three as yet unnamed.

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