hen crowing

  1. AggieKat

    Crowing and newly bossy hen

    Hey y’all. I have one Australorp hen, 2 years old, that used to be at the bottom of the pecking order (1 of 3, then 2 until I had to put my other hen down a few weeks ago). I have one small flock of 3 pullets, 3 months old, that I’ve been trying to integrate with her for a month—did the side by...
  2. Craftychicks

    Hen or Roo??

    Hi everyone, I just joined and from reading other threads, I think I know the answer but I want to be sure. So I've raised Henrietta since a chick and we always though she was a hen. We have recently introduced new mature hens and now she is mounting them, chasing them and making this gawd...
  3. Lace the hen crowing

    Lace the hen crowing

    My Sebright Lace crowing.
  4. Missinasworld

    My bantam hen is crowing-with video

    So the other day we are sitting on the patio and a rooster crowed. We went to check it out thinking a stray roo was on the property or behind the fence. Nope, it was one of my Hens. And yes shes a girl and lays eggs. Shes a little over a year old. As you can see an hear, Daria is tring...
  5. V

    What's the gender of my baby?

    This is baby vanilla, she?he? Born in my hands 2 months and half ago. She have a very tiny spurs and when it born, by the wings feathers, I was sure it was a she, but she accidentally crow maybe 2 times this last weeks. Since is a rescued egg from a factory farm I suspect her growth isn't normal...
  6. Soleil_A

    hen crowing! would isolation help?

    hi everyone! I have very small flock, consisting of one Rhode Island white, one Isa brown, one English bantam, and one Seabright. They are all females, as they have all laid an egg before. My two bigger hens aren’t laying right now, but the two bantams are laying consistently. However, my...
  7. R

    My "hen" is crowing...

    I have two Americaunas that are 5 1/2 months old. I knew Coopcake was a rooster from the time his wattles started to show, but was sure Popcorn was a girl. She doesn't have wattles, just a bunch of fluff on her cheeks and neck. But yesterday, I realized she was crowing. Does she think its funny...
  8. Henry&Friends

    Hen Crow?

    A couple days ago a dog came to my house and killed a chick + hurt a hen and guinea hen. My basement became poultry ER (aka the poop room :sick) The guinea hen would drink but wouldn't eat, and screamed whenever she heard the other guineas, so I put her back outside. she goes around with the...
  9. Leihamarie

    My 2y/o Blue Andalusian hen just started crowing.

    So, I've read about this as being somewhat rare, and also meaning a hormonal imbalance and/or a tumor causing a hen to morph into a roo, but I really never expected to have first-hand experience. Today, while on the phone I saw my Blue Andalusian extend her neck like a roo and let out a...
  10. MichelleKing

    My HEN is CROWING????

    So, this morning I hear LOUD crowing outside. I am confused because I have no roosters outside. I have one rooster, a micro serama, and he is INSIDE my house where I can see him. No, this was a loud crow and it was definitely outside. I went outside to find my head hen, Cinnamon, crowing...
  11. k2panman

    Should I change her name from Henski to Rooski?

    We have a Gold Laced Polish, Henski, that is 5½ months old. She has been crowing the last few mornings. We have no roosters but have a neighbor ¼ mile away that has fighting cocks - they crow day and night. Henski has also been trying to mount our other hens. We have no roosters (I hope). She...
  12. Missythechickenlady

    Mother hen crowing?

    So I have an old english game Batam and she hatched 3 chicks about 2 weeks ago. They are mixed with black australorp I have suspicions even thought very you and bantams that I have at least 1 rooster.i know it's hard to tell with bantams but anyway I heard her crowing today was she trying to...
  13. T

    Hen keeps trying to attack my dog!

    Hi everyone! We've had our girls for almost 2 years- a black sex-link and a gold sex-link. Last week, our black sex-link started crowing and has tried to attack my dog (a 45 pound pittbull) several times! She's also stopped submissively squatting- The gold one still squats. Neither girls have...
  14. SeaAggieShelby15

    Should we introduce a new rooster to our flock?

    We recently gave away our Star Spangled Hamburg because he was spurring and scaring me, as well as attacking some of the sweet hens we have. But our hens are confused and broody even without an egg underneath them. They have been pecking each other and making very loud noises and very anxious...
  15. Kristan1424

    Hen or Rooster... HELP!

    We are new to the chicken world and are having fun with two new chicks in our backyard. We have built a cool coop/run and as then are getting older one is starting to "crow" at sunrise and then every hour or so after until the sun is officially up. We can't tell if our Easter Egger Hen is...
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