100 Pictures of my Flock: 2013 Edition


Fuzzy Feather Fanatic
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
Welcome, one and all, to 100 Pictures of my Flock, the 2013 edition!

For those that don't know, basically 100 Pictures of my Flock is a project for which I have thought of 100 different themes applying to my flock of chickens and Guinea fowl, and the goal is to take one picture fitting each theme before December 31, 2013. Most of the themes are open to several meanings and meant to be a sort of coincidental caught-by-the-camera happening.

100 Pictures of my Flock is lots of fun and allows for plenty of quality time with the ladies, and so I'd be glad to share the fun with other people if they want to try their own 100 picture project--just be sure to read through the themes and change any that would not apply to your flock! (And if you have a small flock, you could even do just 50 pictures of your flock or something. ;) )

Okay, so last time, I attempted to get 100 themed pictures of my flock between May 6 and August 19 of 2012, and while I came close (82 out of 100!), I still didn't quite make the cut. This year, I decided to make it a year-round project and so I have replaced roughly half of the themes from last time and added some seasonal themes as well!

Here is this year's checklist:

This year, I want to get a picture of...
1. what hens do in the rain
2. what hens do in the snow
3. wattle action
4. a broody glare
5. fuzzy butts
6. chicken bed-time
7. a lucky hen
8. new additions
9. a day at the spa
10. a bantam on too many eggs
11. a naughty hen
12. the first free-range of the year
13. an unlucky hen
15. a hen-squat
16. the wettest beard
17. camping with chickens
18. sunbathing hens
19. sweaty chicken pits
20. screamin’ Guineas
21. leaf ‘raking’ in fall
22. a chicken close-up
23. a chicken gift
24. new digs
25. the DUN-DUN-DUNNNN banty
26. Guinea hide-and-seek
27. camouflage chicken
28. colorful birds
29. chicken football
30. chickens ‘flying’
31. a chicken swarm
32. gardening with chickens
33. rafter banties
34. an explosively molting hen
35. Guinea insanity!
36. the most eggs in one box by the hens
37. an egg rainbow
38. hatchday girls
39. preen time
40. the coop opening for the day
41. a warm winter snack
42. a cool summer snack
43. a first-time snack
44. expressing excitement
45. Guineas in the grass
46. the cutest babies
47. the cutest hennies
48. muddy feet
49. a shady spot to nap
50. dust kicking up
51. nervous Guineas
52. hens enjoying holiday leftovers
53. a nest box jam
54. a busy day at the nest boxes
55. ruffled feathers
56. searching for worms
57. a special delivery
58. first feathers
59. when it’s too hot to free range
60. an odd egg
61. a caption-worthy shot
62. sisters
63. a rooster
64. a visitor
65. flight of the Guineas
66. puddle play
67. interesting interactions
68. the ‘building inspectors’
69. teenagers
70. one old bird
71. a Guinea treat
72. chicken prints
73. evidence!
74. lost feathers
75. a Guinea above
76. the ‘Bird-Eye’
77. windswept birds
78. a chicken’s point of view
79. a flower portrait
80. chickens at play
81. hens in the woods
82. a … what in the world?
83. fluffing it out
84. a ‘tightrope’ walk
85. a calming sunset
86. a hen on a mission
87. follow the leader
88. a hen coming over
89. a hen running AWAY!
90. wings out
91. a place *obviously* meant for chickens
92. the egg song in action
93. a really fresh egg
94. a pretty lady
95. the first pullet egg
97. the stinkiest stink-eye
98. the cutest stink-eye
99. (The first picture of the year!)
100. (The last picture of the year!)

Because I will not always be able to edit this first post, you can see what I have checked off from my checklist here.

And for those of you interested, here is the original 100 Pictures of my Flock thread, and here is the page that served as its checklist and archive. (I have not yet gotten around to moving all of the pictures from the original thread to the archive, but it is still quite picture heavy!)

100 Pictures of my Flock 2013 starts tomorrow! Get ready for lots of pictures!
Happy New Year, everyone! Let's start out with 99. the first picture of the year! Taken because my finger slipped as I was aiming, but it came out alright, so here it is:


Now, to answer that age-old question: 2. what do hens do in the snow?

They huddle anywhere that does not have snow:




("Please may I come in, too?")


They inexplicably lose limbs:



They stow away on the perches:


Some try to eat it:


Some just hide their eyes:


And some try to become one with it:


Here we have 13. an unlucky hen, Cricket, who lost most of her feathers a couple days ago and needed a little something to help her keep warm. She disapproves of it, but she's doing much better now that she's wearing her little pink dress.


On a cold day like today, Debra Jo was more than happy to give me 76. the 'bird-eye'.


Last year, Amy was our 25. DUN-DUN-DUNNNN banty. She was showing me why this morning.


However, Amy may have some competition. It looks like Scooter thought SHE should take the title this year! (It also looks like she feels I am not worthy of taking her picture.)


And that's all for now, but I'll be heading out again this evening (y'know, once I thaw out from this first trip...).
Now, I had wanted to save 47. the cutest hennies for later in the year (like around the time the babies arrived), but Vespa was being a ham this afternoon and, c'mon, isn't she the cutest?!


And speaking of cute, here's big, fuzzy Frou-frou, 88. a hen coming over:



I spotted some 72. chicken prints in the deep snow while I was out. ...Well, kind of.


Here's another set that's a bit more defined:


And I would have had a hen-squat, but a certain someone who shall not be named (cough-Biddy-bird-cough) was not feeling cooperative.


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