12+ Barnyard Mix (Purebred Stock and Crosses Free-Ranging)


10 Years
Apr 18, 2013
East Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I have hens and roos in all of the following breeds free-ranging:

Crested Cream Legbar, Black Copper, Wheaten, Cuckoo, Blue/Splash Marans, Wheaten, Lavender, Blue/Splash Ameraucanas, Lavender Orpington, Buff Orpington, Barred Hollands, Jersey Giants, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Red Shoulder Yokohama, Salmon Faverolle, Barnevelder, Mottled Houdan, Sultan, Rhode Island Reds & Whites, White Leghorn. I also have some of these resultant crossed hens laying as well.

I will ship 2 day priority, most likely 15 eggs. I can try to ship more of a certain color if you want, depending on availability.

I will ship Monday-Wednesday.

Price includes shipping.
Updated 6/21/16
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