12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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It takes courage to be the one to stand up to stupidity,you are brave to follow through. these neighbors shouldn't have custody of a breed like that if they are not able to control them. I am so sorry about your dear birds.
Me too

Me too

(_!_) (_!_)

Bet ya he can't find any one silly enuff to take his case, most lawers nowdays only take cases they think they can win, unless you pay upfront.
IF they are lurking...........maybe they'll realize how STUPID they are! If they have enough brain matter to do any clear thinking about what they've done to their community.
Had an airhead neighbor when I was in the Navy living in base housing. Kept filing false reports on all her neighbors. FINALLY, they (base commander, squadron commanders etc) realized they had ONE bad neighbor, NOT a bad neighborhood. Made life miserable for those of us around them. Maybe your braindead neighbors will realize that your neighborhood has ONE bad neighbor.
I'm glad those dogs didn't attack someone's child. Your chicken's are as meaningful to you as anyone else's pet. Those dogs should not be allowed to keep terrorizing the neighborhood! Hope that they get taken OUT of the neighborhood.
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