13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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1st pips in the bator!!! Have 5 pipped so far. Just hit day 20.

And this little lovely was hiding under moma when I got home. 🥰
Def gona need help with colors and parents!
It is a HovaBator. The humidity has been around 40-50 until lockdown, which was two nights ago, and it has now been around 70. Yes, more than half of the eggs have hatched, thirteen to be exact, all nice and healthy. It is officially day 20.

This egg was moving around and being normal up until this crusty foam emerged from it. I just hope the poor thing is okay.

Ok good, if there are plenty of other chicks hatching it's not likely related to humidity or sticky chicks. Hopefully this chick hatches well too! At this point you would just need to wait, hopefully there isn't so much fluid that the little one aspirates. In some cases there could be bacteria that made it's way into the egg, the bubbles and gooey substances are common to see when that happens too. Fingers crossed!
Four have already hatched! I started the chicks just before I went to bed on March 26th. The incubator went on the deck because DH says "No Livestock in the House!"

I'm in New Hampshire. That first night was COLD, as were many others since then. The cheap Chinese incubator got covered in towels, an old bath mat, and a torn-up felt-like blanket. I put a layer of bubble-wrap under the incubator. A couple of times, I had a layer of ice between the covers. I added a large plastic sled on top to keep the rain, snow and sleet off the insulated incubator. It did its job!

This picture is of the first two.

More updates to come...
Four have already hatched! I started the chicks just before I went to bed on March 26th. The incubator went on the deck because DH says "No Livestock in the House!"

I'm in New Hampshire. That first night was COLD, as were many others since then. The cheap Chinese incubator got covered in towels, an old bath mat, and a torn-up felt-like blanket. I put a layer of bubble-wrap under the incubator. A couple of times, I had a layer of ice between the covers. I added a large plastic sled on top to keep the rain, snow and sleet off the insulated incubator. It did its job!

This picture is of the first two. View attachment 3064664
More updates to come...
Yeah I’m supposedly banned from hatching and keeping critters in the house :lau
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