13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Both of my babies hatched!!! :wee

Big Bird and Frittata. ❤️
Since the pip is at the opposite end of the egg you can expect it to take twice as long before it starts to zip because without an air cell at that end of the egg, the chick made both the internal and external pip in one go.
It can be a lot less but a max of 24 hours from internal to external pip, and 24 hours from external pip to zip. Those time-frames are different for an upsidedown pip though. Just keep an eye on it and if you start seeing it repeatedly pecking at the same pip hole but not rotating then I would reevaluate.
Ok, thanks! It's been almost 24 hours since it externally pipped. I also can see it's beak going in and out of the hole, but nothing else.
Should I assist? It's been 24 hours since external pip and hasn't made progress.
Ok, so:

3 hatched at around 2 pm yesterday. The egg in question externally pipped (on the wrong end) at the same time.

2 more pipped and hatched overnight

2 others have yet to externally pip, though they have internally

We moved the 5 hatched chicks to the brooder, because they were kicking the other eggs around.

Should I assist, or wait? I can hear peeping coming from the egg, and I can see it's beak moving in and out, but no progress.
Ok, thanks! It's been almost 24 hours since it externally pipped. I also can see it's beak going in and out of the hole, but nothing else.

Sorry, I didn't explain that well. It's longer than 24 hours when dealing with upsidedown pips. The little one is breathing fine so I wouldn't rush things. I don't step in until I'm down to the last few stragglers in a hatch or seeing a blatant need for assistance. How many chicks do you have left actively hatching?

If you're considering stepping in for assistance have you read the assisted hatch article yet? I don't hesitate to look in when I'm concerned but I have a lot of experience doing it and I always suggest taking it slow when you're new. Assisted hatches aren't for everyone and that's ok!
Sorry, I didn't explain that well. It's longer than 24 hours when dealing with upsidedown pips. The little one is breathing fine so I wouldn't rush things. I don't step in until I'm down to the last few stragglers in a hatch or seeing a blatant need for assistance. How many chicks do you have left actively hatching?

If you're considering stepping in for assistance have you read the assisted hatch article yet? I don't hesitate to look in when I'm concerned but I have a lot of experience doing it and I always suggest taking it slow when you're new. Assisted hatches aren't for everyone and that's ok!
Yup, I've read the assisted hatching article (this one, right? https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/guide-to-assisted-hatching-for-all-poultry.72886/)

I think I'll wait a little longer :fl
Ok, so:

3 hatched at around 2 pm yesterday. The egg in question externally pipped (on the wrong end) at the same time.

2 more pipped and hatched overnight

2 others have yet to externally pip, though they have internally

We moved the 5 hatched chicks to the brooder, because they were kicking the other eggs around.

Should I assist, or wait? I can hear peeping coming from the egg, and I can see it's beak moving in and out, but no progress.

Lol, sorry I was still typing and didn't see this. So based on what you're seeing with two still internally pipped but not externally pipped, I expect that this chick is getting close to starting to zip but not quite there yet. It's not running late based on how the rest of your hatch is progressing.
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