Announcement 2020 Update: Political and Politically Charged Content Not Allowed

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You've just have to regulate who you friend/follow/listen to on FB.... any place on the internet, including BYC.
I do. I'm a quilter of all things...doesn't get much more boring than that on FB (to non-quilter people that is) and am super picky about where I go and how few of people I connect with, but somehow the slime seems to ooze in anyway.
FB, and sites like it, have never been high on my social media preferences list.
Hey Peeps!

TL;DR: Political and politically charged contend will no longer be allowed on BYC.

As most of you know, there has been tremendously political and social intensity recently... and heading into the US election, we're expecting things to only amplify from here.

On BYC we strive for complete neutrality with regards to these issues. We work hard to allow our members the flexibility to post all manner of topics and discussions. That said, we've found some topics become heated, contentious, and create a situation that isn't healthy for our members or our community. Very often our report system is flooded by flagged content which then requires our amazing moderators to spend countless hours sorting through the content.

With all that in mind, our team has decided to change our stance from "discouraging" political and politically charged content to disallowing content that is political or politically charged.

Notes Regarding This Change:

  1. Sometimes peeps complain that we're silencing their freedom of speech. BYC is a privately owned website (by me :) ), so it might be helpful to view BYC as a home in which you've been invited (as a member) to come inside for a visit. You may not like how we've decorate the place, or that we ask you to leave your shoes (strong politically charged opinions) at the door before you come in. We totally understand. It's totally your choice to not come inside out house... just like it's our choice to determine what kind of behavior we'll tolerate inside our home.
  2. Our amazing and diverse team will do their best to determine which content is "political or politically charged". It's impossible to draw a PERFECT line between what is and isn't "politically charged", but our team will discuss any that are in the "gray area" and make a judgement call" as best we can, with the goal to keep the community humming along as smoothly as possible. (We know we're doing a really good job being unbiased when both "sides" of an argument think we're being too strict and biased) ;)
  3. "Content" includes posts, pictures, avatars, signatures, etc.
  4. This new policy will be in place at least until the dust settles from the US election
  5. If someone posts something that you take issue with, either ignore it or report it. Do not start or engage in a fight. Remember to avoid feeding trolls!
  6. We understand many of our peeps are VERY passionate about their beliefs and perspective, and this can be exacerbated when a moderator takes action to something posted. If you receive a warning or reminder of this policy, and/or have content removed, please remember our rule against PUBLICLY questioning our rules and our moderation. You're welcome to contact any BYC moderator PRIVATELY with your questions, concerns, feedback, etc. Similar to the analogy above, imagine if you're invited into someone's home for a super-fun party, and start screaming at the hosts (in front of all the other peeps) about how much you hate the food that's been provided to you for FREE. Instead, it would be more appropriate to kindly and privately talk to the host (moderators) in private and start a productive dialog to express your thoughts, questions, and ideas. :)

A huge THANK YOU to all the amazing peeps visiting inside our "home" that respect our rules and the tone / demeanor we've decided is best for our group!
Personally, I stay silent on topics of politics, religion, marital strife and how to raise your kid. Therefore, I think this is a FANTASTIC plan!
Also, I loved how it was explained.
Good job & Thank You.
Yeah, I'm really glad there's a proper rule about politics here now. It was fun to read the posts of everyone being hostile to each other though. :pop
Also, @Ihavesomechickens you dip chips in milk? What does it taste like? What kind of chips- pringles, tortilla chips, potato chips? I like weird food combinations. Since I discovered maple syrup and breakfast sausages taste fantastic together I feel as though my life has improved greatly. Not judging, just curious. :D
Yeah, I'm really glad there's a proper rule about politics here now. It was fun to read the posts of everyone being hostile to each other though. :pop
Also, @Ihavesomechickens you dip chips in milk? What does it taste like? What kind of chips- pringles, tortilla chips, potato chips? I like weird food combinations. Since I discovered maple syrup and breakfast sausages taste fantastic together I feel as though my life has improved greatly. Not judging, just curious. :D
You should try my pregnancy food craving from about 19 years ago that is now a “weird” family favorite:
McDonald’s french fries dipped in their ice cream sundaes!
Yeah, I'm really glad there's a proper rule about politics here now. It was fun to read the posts of everyone being hostile to each other though. :pop
Also, @Ihavesomechickens you dip chips in milk? What does it taste like? What kind of chips- pringles, tortilla chips, potato chips? I like weird food combinations. Since I discovered maple syrup and breakfast sausages taste fantastic together I feel as though my life has improved greatly. Not judging, just curious. :D
Sour cream and onion Pringles in milk is probably my favorite. Pringles in general with milk are amazing. The only flavors of pringles I haven’t tried in milk are the non-vegetarian ones, of which there are like 4.
Sour cream and onion Pringles in milk is probably my favorite. Pringles in general with milk are amazing. The only flavors of pringles I haven’t tried in milk are the non-vegetarian ones, of which there are like 4.
I really want to try this now. It actually sounds pretty good. I don't have pringles right now though, so it will have to wait until shopping day. :(
You should try my pregnancy food craving from about 19 years ago that is now a “weird” family favorite:
McDonald’s french fries dipped in their ice cream sundaes!
Yes, I have tried fries in a milkshake and I have too say, it is truly amazing. Right up there with sausages and syrup. :love
I really wish it was always an easy, clearly demarcated situation where anybody would look at a piece of reported content and say either:

1) "Clearly that's political"
2) "Clearly that's not political"

... unfortunately there are thousands of items reported that are in a very VERY gray area between those two extremes.

What one person feels is "good and right", another person feels it's "bad and wrong". It's basically the reason why the peeps (the US particularly) is in so much turmoil. Nobody can agree on what's "right or wrong", just like a lot of our members will question the items we determine are "politically charged".

It's these gray-area cases where our AMAZING staff will do the best they can to review, discuss, and decide which items are / are not appropriate for our community.

NOTE: We do not "choose sides". Often there are times where one or more of our moderators actually agree (sometimes very strongly) with an item they are removing. It's not about "right vs. wrong", but about avoiding topics that we know are currently very charged and create debate... and those specific items probably will change over time. Thank goodness we have such an amazing team of moderators that work hard to put their own biases aside and do what is best for our wonderful community!
“This has stayed a haven free from all the garbage hate has no home here ...”
First, let me be clear in saying I’m NOT calling out the person that posted this, but it is a great example of clear vs. unclear, or maybe the importance of proper grammar. (I really want to put in the laughing emoji, but this thread seems too serious for that, so imagine it’s there if you want to)
I can take this comment two ways
1) they think that the Hate Has No Home Here message is garbage
2) they like being on this site because it’s generally all things chicken and a reprieve from any and all things political, racial, etc.
I also think this is an example of where someone can reply to this and very easily start something, intentionally or not.
Hey y’all...can we reflect on “Perspective”? It is different for everyone. Two people can watch the same interaction/incident happen at the very same time but have two opposing perspectives of that incident or interaction afterwards. Two people will never have entirely identical perspectives. I don’t think that someone’s avatar should be in question unless it clearly expresses hate, racism, violence, etc. I’ve seen someone here commenting & trying to report another members avatar because it’s “Trump”...that’s toeing the line. Is Trump committing a violent act in that photo? Are there words on that avatar that convey some type of deviant message? No? Ok, then what about avatars of Obama? Or Bush? Very murky area we’re getting into by picking apart photos of a human being. Can someone use an avatar with Chris Brown? He’s a domestic abuser & I don’t support that. John Travolta? Apparently he had drug abuse problems and possibly sexually assaulted and/or raped massage therapists in his employ. See how getting into images that don’t actually visualize hate, violence, racism etc can become a debate without end???
How about we focus on words, comments, post conversations?? We need to censure our words! What is spoken is what we need to regulate. Don’t comment or reply to someone if it’s only negative and doesn’t provide knowledge or support. If it’s not positive and does not offer a learning/teaching moment, then keep it to yourself and go vent your emotions in a different place.
I truly try to relate to my fellow human beings with respect, care, love, tolerance, & forgiveness. When it comes to race, religion or other potentially touchy beliefs...I expect for you to respect my beliefs in the same way I will respect yours, even when our beliefs are opposing ones. We do not have to believe the same thing, agree to disagree. Teach me. Educate me on the beliefs you have that I don’t seem to understand. Don’t push though & don’t get angry if I choose to believe something different. Just respect that we believe different things and I will treat you the same. If we cannot agree or practice respect then practice “Tolerance” and move on!
I personally don't think Biden avatars should be ok either. Not everyone is going to benefit from either person. I agree, its a perspective thing.
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