3 strikes your out ~My rooster attacks

I've had to have the sex talk with my 8 y.o. b/c of the activity of the rooster with his harem. The conversation went something like this, as she's playing with 2 stuffed animals in the back seat of the car, having one of them riding the other's back, and thrashing around. Teen ager: "What are you doing?" 8 y.o.: "They're mating." Teen ager: "That's gross. Grammy, make her stop." 8 y.o.: "They're going to have babies. I'm going to take them to school so they can mate and have babies at school." I had to repeatedly tell her that it's not ok for her stuffed animals to mate at school, at church, or anywhere in public, and further, it's really not ok to discuss mating in those places.

Oh, when it's time to butcher, she is right there, lots of questions, and thinks it's funny to see a chicken running around without it's head. strange child. She knows where her food comes from!

That is funny! My daughter went to my Anatomy class with me and dissected a pig.

She's looking like a future doctor, veterinarian, or biologist. Dissection is fun! Mary
Mine wants to be a vet so bad. She has had her mind made up since she was 4!
Again, very funny! I told my daughter about the potential names... nugget, drumstick... At first she was horrified, but she's starting to giggle a little... I think she'll come around!

My daughters black and white lakenvelder "Chicken Noodle Doodle" has taken over as rooster. He's 11weeks old and when he try's to boss around the older hens they chase him off! It's hilarious! He has all the littles and the keets following him. I hope he never attacks us my daughter would be heartbroken. She bought him with her own money because "OMG MOM THAT IS THE CUTEST CHICK EVER!" She spent $6 on him I thought that was steep! Lol

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