30 Chickens NO Eggs HELP!!!!

How big is your coop that have 3 heat lamps and the temps are only getting to 26 degrees???? I have babies with a broody outside in a coop, not insulated and they did wonderful in 19 degree weather!! Loose the heat lamps and add regular bulb to add more light and you'll prob start seeing some changes!! Their also probably stressed from staying inside the coop so much. There is no reason why they can't go outside even if the weather is below 30!!
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I live in WI, and I have a few 3 month old pullets...they are thrilled to go outside even when it is only 20-30 degrees outside. They no longer have a heat lamp at all until it gets down around 0 degrees.
That is very unusual, are you sure that nothing is scaring them? Chickens will shut down egg production when they feel threatened somehow. Mine shut down when I introduced new chicks, I went from 28 eggs a week from 6 hens to 1 or 2 eggs a week and it lasted for about 3 months. It could be almost anything that we feel is nothing to something like a predator attack. Hope that helps a bit to help you figure this out.
I have about 13 hens that are now two years old and moat of the nights get far below freezing, and I still get some eggs. They also don't get any extra light. The emperature is not the problem. Maybe they are laying in some secret place? Covering the eggs with straw or shavings? They could be all cleaning up the eggs themselves.

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