4 foxes up on a hill at my neighbors


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
4 foxes! Appears to be two fully grown ones and two decent big ones. I dont know much about foxes but I know they will kill chickens! Last night I went outside at 12:30 midnight and I could hear some whining, crying, and moaning across the street at my neighbors. Very very very sad noises. Im pretty sure it was a fawn. I could here one fight then silence. Then another short one, then silence. So Im not sure what they quite managed to kill... or maybe I have another, rather large predator out there. From what I understand, foxes wont go after fully grown deer. We occasionally get turkeys but, I am not sure if turkeys make the noises that I heard. Those sounds are haunting. Im sure it was the foxes because I dont know of many predators that will kill around here... Eastern Panhandle West Virginia!
The distance between me and my neighbors is fairly good. You can barely see the foxes but you can as well... lol. They have not been coming over here, from what I know of. I do understand that they are predators. They need to feed in order to live... as long is it is not my chickens or any other pet I have (4 outdoor cats and my shih tzu are the only ones I can think that a fox could harm). Should I go ahead and kill them? My chicks are kept and locked in the coop at night.
I never killed or even had the intention of killing a fox. But this is my first time with chickens so maybe that is why

PLEASE HELP! I dont know what to doooooo!
Sounds scary. Electric fencing? Large dog? Pedator pooh? We have fairly strict gun laws here (UK) so shooting is out of the question for us. We've had the occasional fox come over but thankfully have never lost a hen to a fox. Our neighbour has a large dog who comes up to our fence and keeps foxes away. I have a friend with rescue owls and we've tried putting owl pellets near the fence too.

Hope the foxes stay away.
Thanks! There is a road that separates myself and my neighbors. We could put an electric fence around there but it might seem sloppy because of the way our yard is around the road. But we have a German Shepherd! She is fairly large. She recently chased something away (couldn't tell what it was). My grandmother and my family share property. We have a good amount of land and my grandmother has a hound dog... he likes to pee everywhere. Just likes to mark his territory so that might scare off some predators.

But thanks!
sorry, but i have no qualms when it comes to my hens. kill the foxes if they come on your property. although be very careful not to endanger anything else when disposing of them. live traps work great on foxes, reccoons, opossums, and other predators. what the animal control folks do here is trap them in live traps and place the trap in water filled trashcan. i love wild things and other animals, but i love my chickens more.
4 foxes! Appears to be two fully grown ones and two decent big ones. I dont know much about foxes but I know they will kill chickens! Last night I went outside at 12:30 midnight and I could hear some whining, crying, and moaning across the street at my neighbors. Very very very sad noises. Im pretty sure it was a fawn. I could here one fight then silence. Then another short one, then silence. So Im not sure what they quite managed to kill... or maybe I have another, rather large predator out there. From what I understand, foxes wont go after fully grown deer. We occasionally get turkeys but, I am not sure if turkeys make the noises that I heard. Those sounds are haunting. Im sure it was the foxes because I dont know of many predators that will kill around here... Eastern Panhandle West Virginia!
The distance between me and my neighbors is fairly good. You can barely see the foxes but you can as well... lol. They have not been coming over here, from what I know of. I do understand that they are predators. They need to feed in order to live... as long is it is not my chickens or any other pet I have (4 outdoor cats and my shih tzu are the only ones I can think that a fox could harm). Should I go ahead and kill them? My chicks are kept and locked in the coop at night.
I never killed or even had the intention of killing a fox. But this is my first time with chickens so maybe that is why :/
PLEASE HELP! I dont know what to doooooo!

Grey fox will cry, they make a very strange noise, similar to a squealing pig, or something dying.

its a rally cry for the pups..
These are red foxes. It was definitely a kill. The noises were awful! And now I found some weird leg of something! It was pure bone. No meat, hair. It has fingers so Im thinking it was a raccoon. Which is great! My outdoor cats more than likely brought it over from somewhere else. But Im thinking about possibly trapping them and relocating them. Having some foxes down here will help with our deer problem. Too many car accidents.

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