5.5 weeks, I know it’s early to ask gender, but I want to cull him


Apr 15, 2020
This is a barnyard mix, mostly Cochin. Up until a few days ago everything was fine and I had no trouble waiting a couple months to know for sure, but this one Maple, has started viciously attacking me when I change the food and water and play with them. I accept that, but last night he viciously ran at me, and punctured my wrist, then tried to flog me, and he went for my face when I was taking the top and side view pics today.

normally with poultry I would immediately cull that type of aggression, but these are incubator hatched and I only have 5. I have no adults and we have the brooder out where the kids can play with them. My kids can’t put their hands in the brooder at all now, I have like rough work hands and he broke the skin, I can’t imagine what he’d do to them.

He’s 5.5 weeks old, the largest and most feathered of the group. Big red comb. I want to cull, but I have the worry I’ll cull too soon and it might be a pullet, with only 5, and fairly cold winter temps I wanted to keep as many as possible until spring, and hatch more and cull the unruly hens at that time.

I think he might be getting some pointy saddles, but it’s hard to tell because his pattern makes them all look pointy:




I’m not sure if it helps, I tried to pull away some of the back feathers to show the new growth:

These feathers are in the middle of the back, they look like the shoulder because he kept trying to turn around and peck my face, but is an optical illusion:

What do you guys think, likely male? Safe to cull? Nothings worse than culling and finding it was a pullet.

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