5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Day 9 for me, candling revealed 18...EIGHTEEN! Clears, boo! Although ALL 5 from MsLadyHawke are viable! And looks like the 6 Creole Orps have something going on, yay! So it will be a very low hatch rate for me, but at least I'm going to get some cool chickens out of this deal, yay!

Oh thank goodness mine are good! Can't wait until your DD finds out!
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Okay I promise not to set any more egss ,,I said to the wife,,Promise,,,,52 in the bator and another 8 under that barred pullet,,,,,HAHAAHAH I got 20 already sold to to different Peeps,,,Good Good..
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Day 9 for me, candling revealed 18...EIGHTEEN! Clears, boo! Although ALL 5 from MsLadyHawke are viable! And looks like the 6 Creole Orps have something going on, yay! So it will be a very low hatch rate for me, but at least I'm going to get some cool chickens out of this deal, yay!
so cool! can you post a pic of all their veining?
X's 2! My girl that I am waiting on is a very pretty blue girl, with a bit of feathered legs.
heres my OE...we ar incubation 7 of her eggs.......we have a Japanese bantam roo and a silkie roo, so any of thise two could've gotten to her so we have no idea what chicks we will have!

she lays a light olive color:

here are our roos: (I cant wait for her chicks! it will be so cool!)

jap bantam


so far our eggs are all relly heavy from her.....we cracked a breakfast egg today and the bullseye was so big and strong it was CRAZY!

(I hope she isn't being overmounted along with my silkie hen......we have only 3 hens with 2 roos.....
if this is so, what could happen? we are planning to also build a small addition coop for the roos for when all the new hens could have a break
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Ok, I am glad you brought this up. My son was just telling me about this one. He did tell me however, that I may want to go through all of anything that I have saved passwords on. Like this very site, my e-mails, and a few others. Is that true? Will it wipe out the saved passwords?

If you have told it to remember your password the C-Cleaner will take them out. I write mine down an never have the computer remember them. Too easy to get hacked. If someone wants my passwords they are going to have to break in past my 5 dogs and steal the notebook from me. Even so I still have to rotate passwords every couple of months because someone will hack me and change it to something random and I can't get into my programs. When that happens you have to change the passwords and then 6 to 12 hours later change them again. The purpose is to use a keystroke program to know what your new password is. If you change it twice in a short period of time the program will only have the first password you changed to not the second. That is as long as you are not a "person of interest' to the government or a high value mark to a criminal.

so once the rooster mounts on the hen and exchanges his stuff, does his stuff stay in the hen and all eggs she lays are fertile, or does a rooster have to mount everyday, exchanging his stuff, so she has a fertile everyday?

how does this work? is it possible if I separate my roos from my hens, that afterwards my hens still may lay fertile eggs?

so once the rooster mounts on the hen and exchanges his stuff, does his stuff stay in the hen and all eggs she lays are fertile, or does a rooster have to mount everyday, exchanging his stuff, so she has a fertile everyday?

how does this work? is it possible if I separate my roos from my hens, that afterwards my hens still may lay fertile eggs?
From what I remember up to 3-4 weeks she can be fertile. So if you buy a hen from a show line and they had with rooster you could get some nice birds.
BRAHMA...as requested...here is my top layer in the Brinsea 20, with 7 in the carton. There is room for 5 more small to med eggs on top as well as 3-4 more in the lower right corner if needed. And more if I used a smaller therm... I could get 40+ in there...however come hatching time there would be little space I think...so I would never pack it that full unless I had a second bator for hatching. Note that the white eggs are small...I'm hoping from a newer layer and not banties. I have the larger eggs in the bottom. My two greens are in the lower left and upper right corners. :love So after I cull, hopefully everybody will fit in the bottom. I may leave the tray out and put in shelf liner that keeps dishes from sliding around-the kind with holes in it, for hatching. Loving this Brinsea and it appears to be easy to clean. I want to candle again but just had an epidural injection today and would probably drop eggs with the lovely meds they put in my IV. If there are definite clears with no veining...can I cull some tomorrow night (day 8) or is that too soon?
My octagon 20 is in the mail for wednesday... How do you fit so many eggs in there? Do you have the turner? If i get a separate hatcher could i try with 40-50 even with the the turner?

so once the rooster mounts on the hen and exchanges his stuff, does his stuff stay in the hen and all eggs she lays are fertile, or does a rooster have to mount everyday, exchanging his stuff, so she has a fertile everyday?

how does this work? is it possible if I separate my roos from my hens, that afterwards my hens still may lay fertile eggs?

From what I remember up to 3-4 weeks she can be fertile. So if you buy a hen from a show line and they had with rooster you could get some nice birds.

The Hen has an organ that stores the sperm. She holds it there until the embryo is ready to fertilize. The Rooster only has to visit the hen every couple of days or so.

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