5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

I think you're gonna crack....you're gonna do it, I just know! Saturdays a looong way off, just sayin'
Yup. I'm gonna crack. Totally didn't realize what day it was when I said Saturday. Who said Saturday? That's just absurd.
Snatch them up at night and put in there own coop for now

What is stock salt, is it known as something else. I need to try this. As for not moving things, impossible, with three big dogs, one close to 95 lbs and the cats that are into everything, nothing stays in place,

Loose salt sold at feed stores. I get the white kind without minerals. It is courser than table salt but not as coarse as rock salt that you throw down to melt ice. Called stock salt because you feed it to your livestock.
So I candled again tonight for the heck of it and I now have a few more than 2 (maybe 4 or 5 out of 15) with veins, but they still don't look "right" to me, so we'll see..

Not to be included in the NYD hatch, just for funsies, I also tossed in two pretty orange and pink eggs from my BR tonight. (At least, I think it's her. They were in her usual spot -the tiny bantam box of all places-, but she had been giving me brown eggs, so these bright colors -I have a pic but my mobile is hating BYC tonight and won't me upload it- are odd for her. The only other possibility is a GLW who hasn't laid at all as far as I know.) I highly doubt they're fertile, but I wanted to give them a shot. There are about 10 roos running with her, a big black silkie being the only one "manly" enough yet, but I've never seen any of them even attempt her and she's THE head honcho, so I doubt she'd let them. Still, :fl

@Nonyah Biz Rooting for that double yolker!! :ya I know those rarely hatch with a survivor, and even rarer with two survivors, but I'm praying yours make it!
Those are from the tetra tint. She's a hybrid layer that uses leghorn as the base. She has the big floppy leghorn comb, smaller body size & big eggs of the leghorn but she isn't pure white. She has a few random black streaks scattered throughout her feathers & a bit of a light rust color on her neck & chest. She is my oldest hen, head hen & 1 of my top layers. She will be 2 yrs old in Feb & still lays nearly daily just as she always has.

Now that's what I'm talking about. I will be excited to see if those work. They sound pretty. Will be setting soon now.
So I candled again tonight for the heck of it and I now have a few more than 2 (maybe 4 or 5 out of 15) with veins, but they still don't look "right" to me, so we'll see..

Not to be included in the NYD hatch, just for funsies, I also tossed in two pretty orange and pink eggs from my BR tonight. (At least, I think it's her. They were in her usual spot -the tiny bantam box of all places-, but she had been giving me brown eggs, so these bright colors -I have a pic but my mobile is hating BYC tonight and won't me upload it- are odd for her. The only other possibility is a GLW who hasn't laid at all as far as I know.) I highly doubt they're fertile, but I wanted to give them a shot. There are about 10 roos running with her, a big black silkie being the only one "manly" enough yet, but I've never seen any of them even attempt her and she's THE head honcho, so I doubt she'd let them. Still,

@Nonyah Biz Rooting for that double yolker!!
I know those rarely hatch with a survivor, and even rarer with two survivors, but I'm praying yours make it!

Double yolker? We have one on here? I just lost two from that...the one chick in both eggs came along pretty good..for a while..now having said that...meanie me...I hope I didn't jinx anything...hoping this baby makes it. Wouldn't that be fun for us all on here to keep track of, then see the babies?
Double yolker? We have one on here? I just lost two from that...the one chick in both eggs came along pretty good..for a while..now having said that...meanie me...I hope I didn't jinx anything...hoping this baby makes it. Wouldn't that be fun for us all on here to keep track of, then see the babies?
It would be fun!

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