5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long


:celebrate . I got another eggs from my olive egger today!!! Oops that one fell int the incubator also;)
Ok thanks, it is one of the shipped eggs, so while what I can see looks good, it could very well be weepy down where it is stuck.
I'll follow what ya'll say, warm water qtip & remove eggs near it while I work. THANKS!
& overall thanks to everyone, so much good info. being shared on this hatchalong :)
Ok thanks, it is one of the shipped eggs, so while what I can see looks good, it could very well be weepy down where it is stuck.
I'll follow what ya'll say, warm water qtip & remove eggs near it while I work. THANKS!
& overall thanks to everyone, so much good info. being shared on this hatchalong :)
for all of the great tips!
Hi everyone...it was suggested I come join the fun here...I have eggs due to hatch Jan. 2nd...my first ever, and set to be a trial run on an old used incubator I bought years ago. Figured I'd screw up somehow, or something would go wrong, so I set 10 of my girls' eggs fertilized by my aggressive rooster...I felt that if none made it, that wouldn't be too bad because "they" say you shouldn't breed aggressive genes. If they do make it, I'll just eat the roos when they get big enough, and keep the pullets for egg laying, never hatching any of those eggs.

I'm on day 5, and although I've had issues with temperature and humidity, 9 of the 10 are growing. I see little kidney beans with black dots for an eyeball on each. I can also see them move...I couldn't believe it...it's like every time there's a heartbeat, it moves. Pretty cool :)

My flock consists of one 10 1/2 month old Barred Rock cockerel, two 10 1/2 month old Barred Rock pullets, and six 9 1/2 month old Commercial Black pullets (which are hatchery Barred Rock crosses). The eggs could be from any of the girls...I have no idea which pullet lays what egg!

Here's some pics I took today of 7 of the eggs. You can see the kidney bean and eyeball


It is great to have you hatching with us!

Great candling pictures too.
My heat source when out while we were sleeping last night. The temp got down to 68. I hope all my little babies will be ok. At most the incubator was at 68 for 7 hours (from the time I went to bed to the time it was noticed). However I think it was a lot less then 7 hours.

I'll bet they're okay.

They are so cute! Are they just running around or do u have them fenced in??

My goats?..they are fenced and boy oh boy was that a rough time figuring out a fence that would hold them. There is a saying, something about...if your fence can't hold water...it can't hold goats. I spent many stress filled days believing that was true.

There is no such thing as goat proof fence...lol
I tie my little monsters out on dog chains every day and lock them in 6 ft high chainlink with a tarp roof at night.
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awwww so cute we candled today and saw itty bitty lil chicks moving around 4 outta six eggs are doing wonderful so far my twins and 1 other egg from fridge are coming along slowly..ok soooo i gathered my 4eggs 7 days before set date kept them at 65 and large end yup but they seem more then 6days could they have started growing before set in bator? am i going to have X-mas babies and not new years? hope not i may not be home.. ..this is a very lite blue colored egg and chick is big air cell is big jyst cant tell i was trying to get a good pic of chick
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awwww so cute we candled today and saw itty bitty lil chicks moving around 4 outta six eggs are doing wonderful so far my twins and 1 other egg from fridge are coming along slowly..ok soooo i gathered my 4eggs 7 days before set date kept them at 65 and large end yup but they seem more then 6days could they have started growing before set in bator? am i going to have X-mas babies and not new years? hope not i may not be home.. ..
Yay! Congrats!

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