5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

An interesting discussion about air flow and hot cold spots in incubators. It's about cabinets but worth considering with any forced air incubator.


I've never had mites (fingers crossed) and I may be speaking out of turn but it has only be suggested to me and I've only recommended 5% Sevin dust.
Every time I clean the coop, after removing everything and vacuuming the cobwebs, I'll often hose everything down. After it all dries, I'll dust the cracks and crevices with Sevin. Then food grade DE goes everywhere else. roosts, floors, horizontal surfaces. After the fresh bedding goes down, a topcoat of DE.
I'm doing 2 coops today (if I have time before rain hits.)
The next chicks aren't due until new years. She is all alone, unless I get her a friend!

I scoffed when it was suggested but a feather duster works pretty well as a surrogate mom/friend.
The next chicks aren't due until new years. She is all alone, unless I get her a friend!

Oh I think she needs a friend!!! Its not your fault she is a single, it would be mean to not get another chick for her right and we cant have that. Im not enabling I swear chicken math doesn't count here.
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An interesting discussion about air flow and hot cold spots in incubators. It's about cabinets but worth considering with any forced air incubator.


I've never had mites (fingers crossed) and I may be speaking out of turn but it has only be suggested to me and I've only recommended 5% Sevin dust.
Every time I clean the coop, after removing everything and vacuuming the cobwebs, I'll often hose everything down. After it all dries, I'll dust the cracks and crevices with Sevin. Then food grade DE goes everywhere else. roosts, floors, horizontal surfaces. After the fresh bedding goes down, a topcoat of DE.
I'm doing 2 coops today (if I have time before rain hits.)
You are preventing the mites from getting a foot hold in your coop. Treating the coop is very important.
An interesting discussion about air flow and hot cold spots in incubators. It's about cabinets but worth considering with any forced air incubator.


I've never had mites (fingers crossed) and I may be speaking out of turn but it has only be suggested to me and I've only recommended 5% Sevin dust.
Every time I clean the coop, after removing everything and vacuuming the cobwebs, I'll often hose everything down. After it all dries, I'll dust the cracks and crevices with Sevin. Then food grade DE goes everywhere else. roosts, floors, horizontal surfaces. After the fresh bedding goes down, a topcoat of DE.
I'm doing 2 coops today (if I have time before rain hits.)
Oh, I am a DE fanatic!! Just make sure and use a face mask while using it. Crap will tear your lungs up!

Quote: Yep, feather duster and a mini mirror!
Advantage is a totally different chemical and does not work in the same way. I would not try it. Also be careful using perm or iv. On dogs and cats. Lots of things can kill cats there nervous system is different.
Yes, be careful with ivermectin. These dog breeds should not be treated with it:

  • Old English Sheepdog
  • English Sheepdog
  • Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
  • Australian Shepherd
  • German Shepherd
  • Long-haired Whippet
  • Silken Windhound
  • Skye Terrier
  • Collie
The number set contest is over but you can tell me how many you set and I will put it into the contest. If you have a picture of what you set on the 11th I can enter that into the hatch rate contest.

Is this your first hatch?

Not my fist hatch, no. First hatch along, this why I didn't know how to properly enter!
So I am sorry about the delay writing this. I almost was going to buy some eggs in time to set the 11th but then realized that my band account was over-drafted :-(

But miraculously a friend gave me some of her silkie eggs our of her fridge i set them on the 13th. I candled yesterday and it looks like 3 are alive and developing. I am confused tho they all look like they are at different stages of gestation yet they all a 3 look alive. (one other one is infertile)

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