5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

what happenes if the internal pip is outside the air cell? do they keep pipping till they find the air cell or do they drown and you can't do anything.

Some of mine have pipped lower than the air cell line and are fine. We could even see their beaks/heads and there was no fluid or bleeding. Remember that during the 3 days of lockdown the cells likely get bigger, so our lines aren't up to date! A few of mine were 1 to 1.5 cm below. If it was significantly lower pipping, then I would be concerned.
Ok, a little off topic (but not really)...

I posted before about my excitement regarding my next incubation after this one...with either my mom's new EE cockerel, or my Chocolate Orpington bantam cockerel, being the daddy. (BR and CB pullets).

Looks like the EE will be the daddy of those. He has completely taken over the girls. My poor bantam, named Pip (short for Pipsqueak, because of his crow...it sounds like a man yelling after being kneed between the legs
), was being assaulted relentlessly by the girls. So I removed him from the flock, and got him his own girl...a Choc. Orp. bantam pullet that is one week younger than him.

He is one happy boy, lemme tell you! And she sticks to him like glue!! So, it looks like my next hatch will be EE over BR or CB, and then, once the CO pullet starts laying, it'll be pure Choc. Orp. bantams!!

Here she is:

Here she is with Pip:

Do not count him out. They are sneaky little things.....

Good morning! 9:00 here, my humidity actually held pretty good last night, so not opening the bator much this morning. Today is lock down for me. Yip Yip...
It is 8:42 here now. I have nearly caught up with the thread!
Some of mine have pipped lower than the air cell line and are fine. We could even see their beaks/heads and there was no fluid or bleeding. Remember that during the 3 days of lockdown the cells likely get bigger, so our lines aren't up to date! A few of mine were 1 to 1.5 cm below. If it was significantly lower pipping, then I would be concerned.

Yes, there is a lot of growth during the last couple of days. Unless they pip into a blood vessel and the chick did not develop correctly, they will be fine.
Here are my two that have hatched so far. Took them out after being in for a day.

Hey, Kalalyn, you might want to throw some paper towels down over that newspaper. The newspaper is too slick for the chicks to stand on and some think it can lead to splayed legs and/or slipped tendons. I always keep it layered - 6 layers of newspaper, two layers of paper towels - for the first week, news paper and shavings the second week.
Never dreamt of dropping the baby, but every single pregnancy I had, I would dream about giving birth to half animal, half human babies. Once it was half alligator. Another time it was half cat. One time I had a dream that while I was giving birth, our town was being attacked by pterodactyls. Gah...the dreams we have while pregnant!!!

LOL sounds EXACTLY like my DH!!! Only it's not "I don't want them crappin all over the house", it's "I don't want all that dust again in the house!" and "You already have enough chickens, we don't need anymore" and "Great, now when it is time to do something away from the house, you'll use the chicks as your excuse to stay home cuz the "need" you to be here just in case". I tried to show him a baby one candling session, and he sighed, like it was such a bother for him to get up off his butt to come look.

That's ok, though...I always end up getting my way when it comes to my chickens, regardless about how he feels about it. All I have to do is pout :D
Yep, all that sound identical! I try not to talk about them around him. When I'm on my phone he tells me to stop "hervin" birds! (That's what my son would say when he was changing and his younger brother would walk in the room) "get out , you are a hervert" lol he was trying to say pervert! I'm so thankful that we have this forum!
I think I'm getting sick, Oh no, I went over to my BF's sisters house on Christmas and her husband was spreading the holiday sickness like we all wanted it for a gift....Now I can't stop coughing, that is what he had and I have to work on new years eve and new years day (actually signed up to work double time and holiday pay for both days, can't pass that up)
Ohh nooo! I am so sorry to hear this. I was sick the day before Christmas, then better at least on Christmas day..tummy thing..then sick again after Christmas, now feeling better again..hoping this better sticks around. The cough you have has been going around here, my DH had if forever, yes, sorry, a long time. We are getting too old for this stuff. We stay home a lot in the winter. :/
I hope it don't last that long. After work I'm going to get a lot of vitamin C gummies, and et them like candy
[COLOR=FF0000] It's almost time for Lock down and the waiting begins..Who is so excited they can't contain themselves [/COLOR]
Me!! I so cant contain myself I thought I might explode so I bought some of these. When I blow out the seams they are under warranty still. It's a must for all who cant contain themselves. lol I really didn't buy them I posted the pic on face book with some caption. Just never thought I would see jeans with a warranty so I had to take a pic.
Walmart will take anything back
Ohhhh, I can't get the video sent from my phone via email. :mad: And I am really bad with technology. Maybe my kids can in the morning but they are playing with their prezzies and giggling. I love it! My 20yo has been upset about us buying a house 'way out in the boonies'. Until I took her to do chicken chores today...I think once she hand-fed them, collected eggs, and sat and watched them...she finally understood! I think the bright stars and the bonfire were the clinchers...and she loves it here now! I got a Samsung Galaxy tab 2 (10.1 inch), which was WAY bigger and better than I asked for. :love I told Santa I really just needed whatever was under $150 to get me by until I can afford an iPad. Maybe I won't WANT an iPad now... Well, I'm gonna go catch up on the 12 pages I missed. Sweet dreams, hatch-a-long buddies!
Stick with the Galaxy. The iPad doesn't have a USB port, but the galaxy does. I was going to get an iPad until I discovered the note, now I'm saving for it
I put mine in hatcher today...few hrs ahead,,,I was not available for tomorrow<<<busy building coops ,,,I just had a Jersey Giant pullet /hen go broody.
..She setting on Dk Cornish/Jersey Giant. I using them for meaties.
Ok <<Back to eggs.
.I think I threw one EE/Ameracauna and one Japaneses. Recount with pics,,,,

I filled the bator back up....
ones one the left will got to hatcher this week,,ones on right are new setter,,,
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Yep, all that sound identical! I try not to talk about them around him. When I'm on my phone he tells me to stop "hervin" birds! (That's what my son would say when he was changing and his younger brother would walk in the room) "get out , you are a hervert" lol he was trying to say pervert! I'm so thankful that we have this forum!
That is too funny. I love it! The stuff kids can come out with sometimes is priceless.
I put mine in hatcher today...few hrs ahead,,,I was not available for tomorrow<<<busy building coops ,,,I just had a Jersey Giant pullet /hen go broody...She setting on Dk Cornish/Jersey Giant. I using them for meaties. Ok <<Back to eggs..I think I threw one EE/Ameracauna and one Japaneses. Recount with pics,,,,

Opps I filled the bator back up....

I hope the hatch goes well!

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