5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

HELP! Went to do daily routine down with the chickens and ducks.... and somehow things got screwed up this morning and I didn't open the silkie's house this morning. I opened and let them out and my two broody girls hoped up for a half second and under one of them I find one of my eggs crunched! there was some bleeding. one side of the egg is just held on by the membrane. I grabbed the egg, thought it was dead... then it moved! So I wrapped it in a wet paper towel and put it in the incubator that i had just started this morning (getting ready to hatch some egss from my ducks and Amerucana's Is there any chance this baby will make it? (it's from my Lav Am's.... I really want it to hatch!)
Oh no! Is the chick fully formed?? If so there might be hope..... if not it will most likely die. =(
Here's my excitement for the day. My temperature is finally holding steady between 99-100.

And....my FCBM laid her first egg!!!

Congrats! What a lovely egg it is too!
Loving all those freckly speckles on there.

Thank you for the website. It was very interesting and a few things I didn't know. I will keep an eye on the chicken to see any changes. But did not have any eggs today with any issues. So hopefully just a fluke.
My chickens lay an egg with odd wrinkles or bumps every now and then (not very often). If this isn't a recurring thing then it was probably just a random oddity and nothing to worry about.
HELP! Went to do daily routine down with the chickens and ducks.... and somehow things got screwed up this morning and I didn't open the silkie's house this morning. I opened and let them out and my two broody girls hoped up for a half second and under one of them I find one of my eggs crunched! there was some bleeding. one side of the egg is just held on by the membrane. I grabbed the egg, thought it was dead... then it moved! So I wrapped it in a wet paper towel and put it in the incubator that i had just started this morning (getting ready to hatch some egss from my ducks and Amerucana's Is there any chance this baby will make it? (it's from my Lav Am's.... I really want it to hatch!)

Make sure the chick can get air and watch for the veins to stop having blood in it. Read the guide to assisted hatching in my signature line.

You are doing great!
Official count for lockdown is; 6) French blue copper marans, they have super freaky air cells. I don't have a good feeling about them. 3) trader joes eggs with perfect eggs cells. I will put them on lockdown tomorrow night.
Official count for lockdown is; 6) French blue copper marans, they have super freaky air cells. I don't have a good feeling about them. 3) trader joes eggs with perfect eggs cells. I will put them on lockdown tomorrow night.
I hope you have a great hatch!
I put some eggs into lockdown at noon today and just saw that 1has pipped and is cheeping! Boy this hatching business never gets old. Also saw 1egg weeping and bubbling, yikes! Got that one out right quick.

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