5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Dang, I was so relieved when George hatched. Now I am anxiously waiting for a second one to come so she has siblings! She is all fluffy, and circles around and around the incubator, kicking the other eggs, peeping frantically. C'mon chickies! George needs you!
Left work early, couldn't take it anymore. Wanted to check on my eggs. Still quiet...no rocking, no chirping, no pipping.

Also, congrads to all the new chicks and their moms!
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Hey all just joined BYC and just got my first incubator! Obviously I've put the eggs in and we are due on the 17th is it possible to join in think I may qualify for worst hatch :S beginers haha! :)

And happy new year to all :) xx


MY FIRST EGG EVER! in the second pic mine is on the right and a store bought one on the left! I'm so happy! it might be frozen tho
but still


That is a very nice egg!

Hey all just joined BYC and just got my first incubator! Obviously I've put the eggs in and we are due on the 17th is it possible to join in think I may qualify for worst hatch :S beginers haha!

And happy new year to all


We now have a reason to come back to this thread!

You will have a lot of great tutors for sure!
Man, I leave for the movies and we are on page 633, I come back and we are on 647! I was just 3 hours..... anyways. The wrong way chick has pushed itself out of what was left of the egg, and it seems that it may be the only one to hatch from my original 7 NYD hatch.

Before and after. LOL It seems to be a strong little one.

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