5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

I let her mess with the new version and test it to the best of her evil brooder hacking abilities, under supervision. At one point, she was chewing on the wire, and jumping from the window sill onto it. She eventually gave up in frustration. This cat can open doors, so I can't guarantee shutting her out of a room.

In her defense, she's a cat.
In retrospect, I was pretty stupid to use window screening in the first version. I knew she has ripped out window screens before.
Fortunately, fate was kind and spared George from my stupidity. But, the sliding screen was so cool and nifty. Oh, well. Sturdy beats nifty in this instance. Send out some hatching thoughts for siblings for George and the other singletons.
What color are the eggs? If they are light like white cream or very light brown you should start to see some veining by day 5. Darker colors like dark browns blues greens and olives are a little tougher to see into and may take longer. Having the eggs on there sides is just fine(remember they need an odd number of turns each day 3-5 is good). Candling them upright is good. I like to shine my light through the top of the egg into the air cell.

They are light in colour and I have an auto turner
I have also violated my rules about brooding in the house this past month, and I am really interested in the outcome of your three groups!

Just curious - what is your elevation? I'm at 2174, and wondered how that was going to affect things, but it doesn't seem to have been an issue - not that I'd know what it caused or that it caused it anyway!
Ron, These CL cross; the pullets are non-chipmonk?? (opposite of the pure autosexing where the crisp chipmonk pattern = female) I'm curious b/c I've got a CL x (over a Sexlink or a Del hen, not sure who's egg) & while it isn't all fluffed yet there appears to be no chipmonk & no spot (in pure CL spot=boy, most of the time, although the chipmonk pattern is more important if one has both) anyway, mine today looks a lot like the front lower right in your last pic. actually. I have one I kept from Sept who was chipmonk & now is difficult to tell from some pure CL pullets a month older.

I'm not that clear on how the CL autosex works for sexlink crosses...any idea if I can sex my mutt chick by look (& yes I will post a photo when I have one, after there is fluff)

When using CLs to create sexlinks the autosexing trait is gone and you go by color to distinguish male from female. When I use my CL to create sexlinks I cross my CL roo to Silver Laced Wyandottes and Silver Laced Cochin. The result is ALL chicks are chipmunk pattern but the females are reddish faced and the males are yellowish faced.

But different breeds create different sexlink traits.
Ron, These CL cross; the pullets are non-chipmonk?? (opposite of the pure autosexing where the crisp chipmonk pattern = female) I'm curious b/c I've got a CL x (over a Sexlink or a Del hen, not sure who's egg) & while it isn't all fluffed yet there appears to be no chipmonk & no spot (in pure CL spot=boy, most of the time, although the chipmonk pattern is more important if one has both) anyway, mine today looks a lot like the front lower right in your last pic. actually. I have one I kept from Sept who was chipmonk & now is difficult to tell from some pure CL pullets a month older.

I'm not that clear on how the CL autosex works for sexlink crosses...any idea if I can sex my mutt chick by look (& yes I will post a photo when I have one, after there is fluff)

It is more of an over all color thing. The darker with better chipmunk will be a female. The dark line from the eye to the back too.

I am waiting until tomorrow with mine. I was fooled with the Crele Penes--one was a boy that was darker. It was much easier to tell the next day.
moved these two to the brooder! Anyone think the little silkie is a partrage? I have NO idea if you know please tell me!
one OE mix egg left! Its alive, but no pip...small peeping though!

So i have found my OE mixes daddy. It was both my jap bantam and siklie! They have random splotches of black skin and have the jap legs...short and squat. Lol!
see the black? Haha
2nd to pip, 1st to zip is out. Can't see her well, she's behind the water resevior. Silkie? Showgirl?
1st to pip, starting to zip.

The other 8, nothing yet. Of course, the d'uccles and phoenix.

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