5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long


2 more hatched. A leghorn and a black orp. That makes 15! Keepem coming! I get better pics once i move them tothe brooder.
@Pozees @Cynthia12

you guys will get a LOAD out of this one!

So I was taking a picture of my Japanese Bantam when....

when I went to take the picture I forgot my flash was on.....the chick literally fell backwards and I got a photo of it FALLING!!!!

I THINK I may have stunned it.....LOL ROFL

This is the best most hilarious pic I have seen.

You really are a great photographer, all your pictures really are beautiful.
@Pozees @Cynthia12

you guys will get a LOAD out of this one!

So I was taking a picture of my Japanese Bantam when....

when I went to take the picture I forgot my flash was on.....the chick literally fell backwards and I got a photo of it FALLING!!!!

I THINK I may have stunned it.....LOL ROFL

I burst out laughing, and then the mother in me thought, "Oh no, I hope it didn't fall very far!"
Okay, here's "Chip"
He's (she's?) a bantam chocolate wyandotte (I know I keep saying that, but I saw someone requested to put the breed down with the pics). Unfortunately he's a lone survivor out of 9 eggs total. The two eggs I had in with him never pipped or peeped and they were no longer moving. I opened the eggs through the air cell and found them dead and upside down. They pipped internally and drowned or suffocated. I'm so sad
I didn't even get one BLR wyandotte. I've been having a problem with malpositioned chicks. What could cause this? They seem to suffer from saddle shaped air cells due to shipping. Could that be it? Maybe they can't turn into the proper position? I feel terrible but what can you do. I bought more chocolate wyandotte eggs and I'm trying again. I'll search for BLRW bantams later. But this little guy is all alone. So I've been handling him a lot and letting him take naps on me, otherwise he peeps loudly until I pick him up. Feather duster isn't helping either. Anyways, here's Chip. He's teeny tiny. Not use to bantams!

thank you! now that she is drying I realized she is right! tell your sister in law think you!

also, could you show her the photos of my cooked beaked silkie? I don't know if it could get worse...
I did....

I wasn't going to say anything, but since you ask this is what she said- Since she breeds to have chickens that are healthy and make healthy chicks she would most likely cull the chick. Now if you are just raising the chick to have a pet, she would wait to see if it gets worse. Her experience is that it usually does, and you need to prepare yourself for that....
Not great news, but it happens when you are bringing new life into the world.... sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. And she says to make sure to tell you the hen that the egg came from should be used for eating eggs and not to use her for chicks.
Okay, here's "Chip"
He's (she's?) a bantam chocolate wyandotte (I know I keep saying that, but I saw someone requested to put the breed down with the pics). Unfortunately he's a lone survivor out of 9 eggs total. The two eggs I had in with him never pipped or peeped and they were no longer moving. I opened the eggs through the air cell and found them dead and upside down. They pipped internally and drowned or suffocated. I'm so sad
I didn't even get one BLR wyandotte. I've been having a problem with malpositioned chicks. What could cause this? They seem to suffer from saddle shaped air cells due to shipping. Could that be it? Maybe they can't turn into the proper position? I feel terrible but what can you do. I bought more chocolate wyandotte eggs and I'm trying again. I'll search for BLRW bantams later. But this little guy is all alone. So I've been handling him a lot and letting him take naps on me, otherwise he peeps loudly until I pick him up. Feather duster isn't helping either. Anyways, here's Chip. He's teeny tiny. Not use to bantams!

Very cute! Maybe someone near you has a little buddy you can buy for him/her? I have raised singles, but they are so much happier with pals.
First hatch, the silkie "Rion" from my coop, two of my 4 shipped appenzellers are pipped! Hope you enjoy the hatch pics.





Hello world!
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@Pozees @Cynthia12

you guys will get a LOAD out of this one!

So I was taking a picture of my Japanese Bantam when....

when I went to take the picture I forgot my flash was on.....the chick literally fell backwards and I got a photo of it FALLING!!!!

I THINK I may have stunned it.....LOL ROFL
omg LMBO tooo freaking funny
Okay, here's "Chip"
He's (she's?) a bantam chocolate wyandotte (I know I keep saying that, but I saw someone requested to put the breed down with the pics). Unfortunately he's a lone survivor out of 9 eggs total. The two eggs I had in with him never pipped or peeped and they were no longer moving. I opened the eggs through the air cell and found them dead and upside down. They pipped internally and drowned or suffocated. I'm so sad
I didn't even get one BLR wyandotte. I've been having a problem with malpositioned chicks. What could cause this? They seem to suffer from saddle shaped air cells due to shipping. Could that be it? Maybe they can't turn into the proper position? I feel terrible but what can you do. I bought more chocolate wyandotte eggs and I'm trying again. I'll search for BLRW bantams later. But this little guy is all alone. So I've been handling him a lot and letting him take naps on me, otherwise he peeps loudly until I pick him up. Feather duster isn't helping either. Anyways, here's Chip. He's teeny tiny. Not use to bantams!

I am in the same boat. Already searching for a friend, but mine seems to be happy with a feather duster for now.

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