5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Since I mentioned my spoiled kitties earlier I figured I would post a pic of tonight's 3 participants in the game of "Hog the Bed."

Up front is Miss Explorer. Behind her are her brothers Sir Lancelot & Mr. Mittens. Missing is their older brother Monkey Cat who prefers to stay outside & patrol at night.
Aww, cute kitties. You must love them like my mom did. She always had to have a cat or two. Back in the 80's, we raised and showed the Persian. Didn't do it for too long, didn't like the way folks were at the shows! Just had our pretty kitties as pets after a while.
My Final Count:

62 eggs set on 12-11-2013 @ 12 noon Central Time.
15 Naked Necks
8 Naked Neck Crosses w/o NN
24 Easter Eggers
1 Light Brahma
2 Blue Copper Marans
50 Total
So I had 50 out of 62 eggs hatch. Approximately 61% hatch rate. That's about usual for me. Have had up to 82%.
I know you said that you had a 61% hatch rate, but that didn't look right to me...I'm coming up with 80.645% ????
Am I doing it wrong?
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8 little babies hatched yesterday. One started popping this morning. However when I came home from work the humidity was 27. I got the humidity back up and plastered my ear to the incubator. As I was talking to the egg it started chirping. I am so excited it is still alive. Should I do anything? I am hoping it is not shrink wrapped, or whatever it is called
If you haven't already, I would help at this point.
My one little lonely egg is still viable. Lock down tomorrow. They were ordered so I could set them for the hatch a long, but this is from the 4 doz. that were a week late. Crossing fingers, toes, not my eyes, ankles yes.
These trader joes leghorns are super strong! They survived refridgeration, a first time hatcher and they are hanging out with uno and Toby! (The two week old chicks) They are survivors!!!!

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