5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

These trader joes leghorns are super strong! They survived refridgeration, a first time hatcher and they are hanging out with uno and Toby! (The two week old chicks) They are survivors!!!!

That's a leghorn for ya. I love them! Mine have always been a very sweet bird too.

Smart too..this one would click her toe nails on the door rim to get my attention..for treats.
I think they would be beautiful EE's!
Here is a new picture of all 8 of my NYD hatch chicks. I will be selling all of these chicks

We are done, with a final count of 13 hatched from the 23 that went into lockdown. 56% of shipped eggs is not terrible, and I am real happy with the mix. Now just hoping for pullets.
3 lav ams
2 lav orphs
3 white leg horns
1 Delaware
2 wheaten marans
2 silkies
I will include pics when I get to work tomorrow. I had a lot of fun with this hatch, and I appreciate everyone's participation. Looking forward to the Easter hatch!

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Here are my babies!


Thank you so much for doing this hatchalong. I learned a lot from everyone's questions, comments and answers, and loved seeing all the pictures of everyone's fuzzy little chicks. I had never done this before and it was wonderful to have such a very useful resource. Also, it was fun. I have definitely caught the hatching bug. Thank you so much!
I have a Question.

I set 29 at 3 pm on 12/11/13, moved 25 to lock down at the end of day 18. First hatch was at 8:45 am 1/1/14, got up this morning to 13 chicks in the incubator (1st to hatch didn't make it). I had one this evening that I almost waited to long to assist, it was glued inside the shell, it is now cleaned up and moving slowly around the incubator. Candled the remaining 5 eggs, one has a small pip and is peeping, 1 has movement, 3 I think a late quitters. So my question is: should I do anything for the 2 that are still viable, or should I wait?

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