5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Put the chick into tea cup--big enough to sit in but not get out. Leave it in the incubator or Brooder in the cup until the egg yolk absorbs--usually a day.

Shipped eggs or temps a bit too low will cause this usually.

You will need to put medicine on the naval after the yolk is gone. Baby vitamin Drops--one drop on the beak twice a day until it perks up.

Watch for pasty butt too. Stress in hatching will cause it.

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I'm already planning ahead to the Easter Hatch-A-Long, and have decided I must hatch Cream or Silver Spangled Brabanters. If anyone on here is or knows of a good breeder of these please PM me. I found someone on e bay but they have cream & gold, and I don't want the gold.
We too would love a good source. If you find one, can you PM me? We have a lovely boy (cream). Their is a FB page = American Brabanters. If you do FaceBook, that may be a good resource for you.
she is all covered in yoke

It depends on if there is a hernia and innards coming out. If not, the chick will likely be fine.

If they make it three days they will almost always be fine.

Still use the teacup and keep her in a quiet place--Brooder or incubator.
Just want to say thank you to Ron for the dedication this project took.

A thank you to all the experience shared. We didn't know anything but you all filled that gap. Other newbies asked questions I had and we all learned. Thank you so much! The documents on setting and hatching are a wonderful tool!

We are planning our next hatch, to set on the 18th. HOPEFULLY.

Here are some things I learned from this hatch that I can implement to make the next one better.

#1. Have a way to put in water without opening the bator.
#2. Don't candle by removing the egg, or don't candle until day 17, that's a thought!
#3. Get rubbery shelf liner for the bottom of the bator, that metal grate looks hard on new babies.
#4. If an early bird hatches a full day in advance, try to remove it before any other eggs pip.
#5. If possible, only hatch one kind of bird and maybe they'll all hatch the same day and avoid the early bird problem. (It's worth a try)
#6. Never leave a baby with a bloody umbilicus in the bator w/o separating it.
#7. Get medical grade thermometers, the froggy one is fun for photos as it disturbs people to see a waving frog, but it's not as accurate.
#8. Get sponges for lockdown.
#9. The dirty egg never developed, maybe don't bother setting dirty eggs.
#10. Other people (On BYC) know everything so don't be afraid to ask.
Thanks everybody!
This is completely off topic but thought it make everyone smile this morning :)

Meet Calista she is a last year frizzle Cochin silkie cross. This was right after her first molt.

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