5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

I thought I would do a little update on baby Hawke. She is doing so good today!! She has spent most of the day in the broody without any loud cheeping, all happy peeping. Yeah, for her!! She is getting some big girl feathers on her wings that are white.... we will see if they stay since she is suppose to be black. LOL
Another bad luck ickiness for this week.... my silkie pullet I bought this fall to add another hen to my lone one crowed this morning.... yes Lavender the silkie pullet is indeed Lou the roo. *sigh* I guess that just shows that even though the chicken was 4 months old you still couldn't really tell hen or roo. =( That explains why I haven't got an egg yet I guess. LOL

No, the white feathers won't stay. Her father is black and her mother is blue. No white birds in the background. Glad she is doing well.
Ok I need help from y'all. One of my chickens has been experiencing pasty butt, and I have been clearing it off and I put ACV in the water and raised the light to lower the temp. After I cleaned it off for the third time, I realized that it looks like his vent was poking out. It was pulsing and he didn't like it when I touched it. What do I do? I don't want to lose him!


I had a white polish rooster over a couple of production reds . I hatched these last year for NYD hatch a long. I figured I would post pictures of them. I gave them to my neighbor that lives behind me. Uh can you say ugly chickens:/

I had a white polish rooster over a couple of production reds . I hatched these last year for NYD hatch a long. I figured I would post pictures of them. I gave them to my neighbor that lives behind me. Uh can you say ugly chickens:/
I think they are actually cute! Except their eyes. The eyes look kinda evil...
Ok I need help from y'all. One of my chickens has been experiencing pasty butt, and I have been clearing it off and I put ACV in the water and raised the light to lower the temp. After I cleaned it off for the third time, I realized that it looks like his vent was poking out. It was pulsing and he didn't like it when I touched it. What do I do? I don't want to lose him!
They get like that from the irritation of constantly cleaning off the poo. I would suggest putting some Bag Balm or Neosporin on it, so it helps keep the poo from sticking and helps calm the skin. Be sure to put just a tiny dab on the vent, keeping it off of the feathers.

Feeding a finely ground, whole 7 grain, Organic cereal bought at the health food store (in the bulk bins) helps keep chicks from getting pasty butt

Good luck!
Thank you. Right now I have SLW and they are pretty docile. I will just put some wire in between until the new ones will be old enough to run.
Yes, the Wyandottes will be fine with them. Space, non-aggressive breeds, extra water and food source - you're good to go.

I saw ceramic heat emitters in the small heating section of tractor supply, is that what you use? when I move my birds outside they will still need heat so I'm debating a heat lamp or one of those heaters from tractor supply whichever is less of a fire hazard. I live in way north Jersey on a mountain so I have a while until it's gonna be warm enough for no supplemental heat( my older flock is fine without heat because they were fully feathered before winter)
The ceramic ones come in wattages from 60 to 250. They're more efficient because they don't produce light. All energy goes to heat. I don't think any of them are a huge fire hazard. When the ceramic ones break they usually just crack around the stem. When the glass ones break - well, you know. Regardless of the type, well attached and not in contact with flammable things there's no problem. If they break, they're broken, not a real fire hazard. Shock hazard yes, but not a fire hazard.
Prudence with things like extension cords or anything electrical is imperative.

The big benefit IMO of the ceramic is that you can provide natural daylength rather than the birds having to endure light 24/7.
They get like that from the irritation of constantly cleaning off the poo. I would suggest putting some Bag Balm or Neosporin on it, so it helps keep the poo from sticking and helps calm the skin. Be sure to put just a tiny dab on the vent, keeping it off of the feathers.

Feeding a finely ground, whole 7 grain, Organic cereal bought at the health food store (in the bulk bins) helps keep chicks from getting pasty butt

Good luck!

Probiotics help a lot too. It should go away in a week or two but keep checking. Plugged vents are bad.
Ok I need help from y'all. One of my chickens has been experiencing pasty butt, and I have been clearing it off and I put ACV in the water and raised the light to lower the temp. After I cleaned it off for the third time, I realized that it looks like his vent was poking out. It was pulsing and he didn't like it when I touched it. What do I do? I don't want to lose him!

They get like that from the irritation of constantly cleaning off the poo. I would suggest putting some Bag Balm or Neosporin on it, so it helps keep the poo from sticking and helps calm the skin. Be sure to put just a tiny dab on the vent, keeping it off of the feathers.

Feeding a finely ground, whole 7 grain, Organic cereal bought at the health food store (in the bulk bins) helps keep chicks from getting pasty butt

Good luck!

Chick Grit, yogurt and scrambled eggs.

Hatching or any stress caused pasty butt.
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Ok I need help from y'all. One of my chickens has been experiencing pasty butt, and I have been clearing it off and I put ACV in the water and raised the light to lower the temp. After I cleaned it off for the third time, I realized that it looks like his vent was poking out. It was pulsing and he didn't like it when I touched it. What do I do? I don't want to lose him!
It is just irritated. I had 2 last summer that I had to clean at least once a day. Vaseline his vent, and the fuzz around it that way it will help the pasty not be so pasty and may help it be less sore. =) A change of diet might help too. Hope this helps and as long as it is just pasty butt and you are cleaning him you shouldn't loose him.

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