5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Cute photos..have to ask, is that a back up mom right there? :D

The frizzle bless her heart, ( boys pick on her as you can see ). Yes, moved her into the pen with the silkie/showgirl, cause of the boys and weather drop. She curled right up with my broody showgirl. She stole a couple of the eggs to sit on. The black silkie chick likes to stay under her, the other three stay under the showgirl.

The frizzle will actually snuggle and tuck herself under the showgirl's wing.
I think that should be our next contest...Evil Chicken Eyes!!! I'd be in the running with one of my commercial blacks...
That is a serious evil eye! If I were you, I'd watch my back around that one!

The frizzle bless her heart, ( boys pick on her as you can see ). Yes, moved her into the pen with the silkie/showgirl, cause of the boys and weather drop. She curled right up with my broody showgirl. She stole a couple of the eggs to sit on. The black silkie chick likes to stay under her, the other three stay under the showgirl.

The frizzle will actually snuggle and tuck herself under the showgirl's wing.
Awww. I bet that is just too, too cute.
I am getting there on the survey but it is slow. The entrants have been picked.

Since it is late, I will have the survey up tomorrow morning. I am on Pacific time so that will be Afternoon for some of us.
@ChickenCanoe ... I'm curious if this would be a good idea for when I have to move my chicks outside. we are building a coop that is 3'x4' and it is going to have reflective insulation inside and it is well ventilated. could i use a 100W ceramic heat emitter plugged into a thermo cube to keep them warm? I don't want to have to rely on heat because I have seen my other hens survive ten below just fine, but I know the chicks will need heat until they are fully feathered ( which should take how long? )
Much would depend on the age of the chicks when you put them out, their breed, how many there are, whether they've been acclimated to cooler temps, your coolest ambient temperatures and your setup. I wouldn't presume to answer that question straight away without knowing all the particulars. 100 watts may not be enough in a cold coop. Feathered would be about 7 weeks.
The infrared heats what it is aimed at more than creating heat for a space.
Sorry I can't be more help.

yes I have a friend who has an ideal hatchery white leghorn who goes broody each spring and she allows her to hatch a clutch of chicks which the hen will raise . a good little mother. interesting as I had told her that hatchery hens probably wouldn't go broody and white leghorns never would ...
well I have been wrong before ..

I had a black leghorn from Sandhill that went broody a couple times a year and raised several broods for my. Never say never.

Here she is in her broody apartment.
Boy this thread sure has slowed down now. Most people off enjoying their babies I am sure.

Anyone have a recommendation for a reasonably priced hydrometer/thermometer? I tried one and the temp it showed was so far off of what the thermometer that was already in there says that I think I must have bought a dud. I placed the sensor right beside the other thermometer and at the same level. Since this is our first incubator hatch I am trying to work out the kinks this time. At the moment have 11 that are jumping around/swimming nicely. But not counting them before they hatch. We live in a very humid area so I think we really need the hydr. When I candled yesterday the air cells didn't look like they had reduced enough compared to the charts. I think hubby put too much water in last time. I quickly soaked most of it up. So we will see what happens now.
Much would depend on the age of the chicks when you put them out, their breed, how many there are, whether they've been acclimated to cooler temps, your coolest ambient temperatures and your setup. I wouldn't presume to answer that question straight away without knowing all the particulars. 100 watts may not be enough in a cold coop. Feathered would be about 7 weeks. The infrared heats what it is aimed at more than creating heat for a space. Sorry I can't be more help. I had a black leghorn from Sandhill that went broody a couple times a year and raised several broods for my. Never say never. Here she is in her broody apartment.
it's okay I guess I didn't realize all the variables! I guess a better question would be, when can i move my chicks out of the house(8 EEs) and how could i make the coop warm enough? I was also thinking putting my 250W heat lamp in the coop for a few days with a thermometer that records highs and lows and see what the temp gets down to st night without the added heat generated by the birds. I just don't want to lose them to the cold but I am running out of options for space in the house

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