5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long


She obvioiusly has never seen the damage they are capable of. My mother told me when she was a kid on the farm they were roused one night to the chickens screaming bloody murder. They ran out to the coop to find that a possom had a hen half eaten and she was still alive because it had started eating from the back. They are a nightmare and you think they are slow until you see one move at speed and the needle sharp teeth bared at you hissing like a demented cat.
She obvioiusly has never seen the damage they are capable of. My mother told me when she was a kid on the farm they were roused one night to the chickens screaming bloody murder. They ran out to the coop to find that a possom had a hen half eaten and she was still alive because it had started eating from the back. They are a nightmare and you think they are slow until you see one move at speed and the needle sharp teeth bared at you hissing like a demented cat.

I've always wondered this when I hear of opossoms attacking chickens. I thought they were slow? I'm kinda creeped out now. Luckily I haven't dealt with them yet.
does anyone have any tips to keep the chicks from wasting so much food?
that's my feeder and I just put fresh towels down 2 hours ago

Could use a larger feeder and keep the feed level at half. If you have the option of an outside tray, that's the most mess/waste free system I've found.
The tread has really slowed.... I am sure we are all enjoying our chicks.
I have been battling with some health issues that has popped up, but I wanted to share a baby Hawke update! She is doing really good and has excepted that she is by herself and she doesn't seem to mind it. New chicks are coming Thursday I hope she will welcome company after being alone so long.
My thoughts weren't so good yesterday.... when I was at work my kids were home from school with there Grandmother, my 7 year old picked Hawke up and dropped her! She was hopping on one leg when I got home and I was devastated! I paced by her crate most of the evening and went to bed thinking that I would wake up with her worse or dead in the water dish or something. To my surprise she is well today and walking on both legs again! She still has a toe that is splinted straight but she is awesome strong!!

I LOVE her white eyebrows, and she is getting more big kid feathers.
Thanks to everyone that has helped, lends support and muddled through with me. This was so much fun!
The tread has really slowed.... I am sure we are all enjoying our chicks. :) I have been battling with some health issues that has popped up, but I wanted to share a baby Hawke update! She is doing really good and has excepted that she is by herself and she doesn't seem to mind it. New chicks are coming Thursday I hope she will welcome company after being alone so long. My thoughts weren't so good yesterday.... when I was at work my kids were home from school with there Grandmother, my 7 year old picked Hawke up and dropped her! She was hopping on one leg when I got home and I was devastated! I paced by her crate most of the evening and went to bed thinking that I would wake up with her worse or dead in the water dish or something. To my surprise she is well today and walking on both legs again! She still has a toe that is splinted straight but she is awesome strong!! :D I LOVE her white eyebrows, and she is getting more big kid feathers. Thanks to everyone that has helped, lends support and muddled through with me. This was so much fun!
She is soooo cute! Who cares if i am kinda biased !!! :love

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