5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

[COLOR=800080] I had to post this. Over on my Pa Facebook Group, a girl posted this picture saying these opossums (first 1 and now 2)have been sleeping every night in her coop, in the nesting box and haven't bothered the chickens, so she's allowing them to stay. I didn't say a word because the poor girl is already over there getting fileted, but WOWSER! :eek: Isn't that insane?? I really hope this story doesn't have a bad ending.:/ Notice the chicken roosting on the box?[/COLOR]
OH MY!!!! I would never allow that to be happening in my coops. NO WAY!!!
Possums are nasty, they will kill her chickens. Not only kill them, but they eat them alive. They are night creatures and she will wake up to dead birds
Have to share. Found out today that I am going to be a great grandmother! :th
Grand babies are great. Congrats
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° Thanks! None of the keyboard shortcuts for it seem to work with my keyboard but I can copy and paste it from the character map!
The affluent towns allowing chickens more and poorer town allowing them less just seems so backward to me. I would have guessed it to be the other way round. Very interesting.
Try these.

why she tried to eat my face when I changed her water this morning! Lol. Should have pics tomorrowish.

I think the poorer areas are trying to upgrade their image and ban anything that makes them look poor or backward.
The richer areas assume that no one living there will do anything to lower their property values.

I gave a lecture at Williams-Sonoma that recently started an agrarian program and sell chicken coops.
It is in one of the richest cities in our area (Frontenac). I didn't know until afterwards that all the attendees were city council people. They since wrote an ordinance allowing chickens.
I've fed & watered the birds in the house, I hear a cheeping ... where is it? the incubator in the other room? nope, temp dropped to 90 again, (yes NCF has solidarity of Arctic Vortex with rest of country - just not as long) I don't think these will make it. were due on the 7th.

back to the living room again, sounds like a baby not a week old, check the other incubator (brooder) one more egg has hatched a little fuzzy black chick stretched out near the heat source. I want to say Miracle considering the weather we're having and a week 'overdue' I think Jersey Giant :)

WOW a week overdue and it hatched! That makes me think of the eggs Ive tossed on day 24, I hope Ive never tossed viable chicks

Congrats on the chick.
Try these.

why she tried to eat my face when I changed her water this morning! Lol. Should have pics tomorrowish.

I think the poorer areas are trying to upgrade their image and ban anything that makes them look poor or backward.
The richer areas assume that no one living there will do anything to lower their property values.

I gave a lecture at Williams-Sonoma that recently started an agrarian program and sell chicken coops.
It is in one of the richest cities in our area (Frontenac). I didn't know until afterwards that all the attendees were city council people. They since wrote an ordinance allowing chickens.

I think Hurricane Katrina and the plight of New Orleans woke up some people to the fact that it is not just Hollywood for a large area to be in crisis. Having some level of self reliance like a local food source can mitigate the situations like that. There are more and more respectable people (as opposed to the guys wearing the tinfoil hats) that say an economic crash in 2016 is inevitable. If that come to be, the more people raising their own food the better.
I could do that. Now I am thinking about doing it myself. That is so cool. Hey maybe I should rent myself out to BYCers to paint stuff like this for them. I could always take partial payment in eggs!

Oh my goodness! I knew someone on here probably had the talent. This is great! Come on over. :) :)
I went out to remove the eggs from under Mama this morning and to my surprise ~ TWO (not one!) Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post pictures later since Mama wanted to chase me out of the room when I was peaking. I think they just hatched a few minutes ago - time to check the Chicken cam!!

And I think I am the one that told you time to toss!
Thankfully you didn't. A week later?? That's great!
So my silkie who went broody a week after I set for NYD has peeping going on in the nest!

IF she lets me is more like it. Now I know why she tried to eat my face when I changed her water this morning! Lol. Should have pics tomorrowish.

Congratz! Silkie are such hardy cold weather chickens. Mine has hatched out 5 since NYD, but i think the last couple are not going to. Couple more days then I will candle. Good Luck on more peeps.

Try pouring a handful of thawed peas on the opposite side of where you want to check for the chicks. It'll distract her.

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