5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

When does this hatch a long start? I'm thinking this time im going to just get fertile barnyard mix eggs from my neighbor. I know they have mostly RSL from tsc but im not sure what breed the roo is, would the chicks from the RSL be sexable at hatch or is that only in the first generation?

I am so looking forward to the Easter Hatch-a-Long. But I am dying, cause I want a new breed and I can't decided...grrr. So many to choose from.

Any suggestions. I already have...

Phoenix (only one though)
Mixed flock (RIR/Delware) from the pullet bin at TSC.

Thinking another LF, since I have so many bantams.
Easter is April 20th, so the set date would be around March 30th. Normally the thread starts up about a month before that, so I would expect that the thread for it would start up the beginning of March. As far as your Sex Links, I haven't a clue about genetics, sorry...

They are only sexlink the first generation they loos the ability to color sex after that.
You are missing Marans and EE's...you can't beat an egg basket with the beautiful dark brown from the Marans or blues & greens from the EE's.

That is exactly what I was gonna say

You need
Marans -chocolate/Brick red eggs
Easter Egger -blue egg/green eggs
Cream Legbar - Blue Eggs
and an Olive Egger for Olive eggs

I love a rainbow basket
Good morning.....=)

Hatch day today for 18.........

I am looking forward to Easter hatch also...................
Think I am going to look for Ameraucanas............(sp)
I had them in the past and love their beautiful blue eggs.
My egg customers loved them also..............I had one lady that would not eat the egg and showed it to everyone that came to her house....

This was such a great hatch a long................I did not get to participate due to illness...but followed along.
Learned some new information and really enjoyed my time spent here..............
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Yep, Yep! I must admit, I'm in it for the egg colors now. I don't even eat eggs that often, but if you come to my house, you will be forced to look at and admire my eggs. People think I'm wonky....maybe I am, but I have some pretty eggs!

People think im a little off my rocker too! Im the crazy chicken lady and poor DH doesn't even like my chickens and his work buudies all refer to him as Chicken Man aw my poor boy, look what I have done to him lol.

Im the same way with my eggs, I make everyone look at them and display baskets of eggs on the counter. I have most of the egg colors I still need a white egg layer and a medium brown egg layer.
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You are missing Marans and EE's...you can't beat an egg basket with the beautiful dark brown from the Marans or blues & greens from the EE's.

That is exactly what I was gonna say

You need
Marans -chocolate/Brick red eggs
Easter Egger -blue egg/green eggs
Cream Legbar - Blue Eggs
and an Olive Egger for Olive eggs

I love a rainbow basket

I had thought about the EE, specially since I love feathered legs and would love to try for pink eggs. But I am also that odd ball that likes to have chickens, that people are like "What is that".

My area, I get that weird look cause of my showgirls. And they are scared of my Brahmas cause they are so big, even though they are the sweetest.

Around me, its mainly RIR & Orpingtons.

No, Sex links are not sexable after the first generation. They will break back to the parent stock. Auto sexing breeds are sexable generation after generation.

All of those are imports. We did not develop auto sexing breeds in the United States.

Cream Legbars
Rhode Bars
Are two that are here.

More are listed here but most are not available in the US. http://www.autosexing.co.uk/

There are also Bielfelders, Isbars (though it is not as distinct as the others).

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