6-Day Old Chick is Panting

Oh I hope your little one will be all right. Sometimes they just pass and we never know the reason. The oldest chick that I have lost for "no reason" was 3 weeks old.

At least she is in your lap and knows she is loved. Maybe she is in pain and it will end soon.

I hope someone else has an idea of how to help!
I am sorry this is happening, sometimes there just isn't answers. But at least if she doesn't make it you'll have known you've done all you can.
could it be a defect of some kind especially seeing the way she's breathing..
Got a pm from a knowledgeable person suggesting it's a heart defect ... that her rapid heartbeat is making her breathe so fast.

That's probably it.

I'm just waiting for her to die. Making her comfortable. Giving her water when she'll take it.

Thank you all.
SpeckledHen: Read that thread you recommended, from your experience with Cassie. So sorry. Does seem similar to what my little Boo is going through. She's fighting tho. Struggles to move around a little bit, kinda rearrange herself to get comfy. Still breathing heavy, and really not wanting to drink. It's 9:37 and I need to try to sleep soon but keeping her in the little tub on the bed. I don't sleep very well at night anyway so I'm sure I'll check her often. I'll post an update in the a.m.

Thanks again.
Morning Update:

booboo the chick is still alive. i don't know how but ...

she was still on the bed (in her little tub, with water, on a heating pad) when i finally went to sleep at 11 something. up at 12:30 and she was barely moving. back to sleep and up at 1:30-ish. i just knew she wouldn't be alive the next time i checked so i moved her in that small tub and put her on top of the other chicks' tub. kinda hoping the sound of the other chicks would help her.

but she's a little fighter. when i checked on her at 2:30, she was still alive. dipped her beak in water (like i do every time i check on her). back up at 3:30 and she not only was alive but had moved a little. and had pooped! not much ... mostly water but still. dipped beak and went back to bed. up at 4:30, chirped once, dipped beak, back to bed. up at 5:45 and she's still alive. dipped beak.

It's 6:30 now and I've been doing a few things but now I'm gonna go back to sleep. heard her peep a few seconds ago. she's still lying there, barely panting, but responds weakly when i pick her up.

will check on her again when i wake up. didn't get much sleep but daggone, this little one is such a fighter!

i'll keep you posted. if you want.
To Mykidluvsgreeneggs

We had a new 1 week old BCM chick doing the same thing last night. We searched on here and found under sick chick a thread about vitamin deficiency.

We mixed medicated crumble,applesauce, yogurt, vitamin B complex, vitamin E capsule broken and fed on a teaspoon.

When we woke up this AM she seemed much better. Able to walk and eat. Good luck to you.
I've been trying to get her to eat yogurt all night but i can't get any of it in her. She'll barely take the water. I'll add some applesauce and the crumble and try again. Don't think I have any Vit E or B.

Maybe I'll add some boiled egg yolk too. IF I can get her to take any in.

Thanks for the suggestion. Good luck with your own little one.

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