6-Day Old Chick is Panting

Miss Lydia: Going to farm supply store around lunchtime for syringe. Will they have that poly vi so without iron there?

DDawn: Took her off the heating pad sometime during the night when I moved her little tub to be on top of her hatch-mates' tub. I was concerned too. She's off a little from the heat lamp that's over the others, and I keep looking at the thermometer to make sure she's not roasting or freezing.

She actually seems to have a tad bit more energy. Refused to take the yogurt/feed/applesauce mixture but did poop an hour or so ago. Not much but still... it was there. She peeped at me a little bit ago too.

She's a strong little fighter.

Thank you for asking.
you can get the poly-vi-sol at the grocery or drug store. just remember no iron. Also you can get electrolytes at the feed store which are good to have on hand. especially when trying to keep one from dehydrating.. so happy to here she's fighting.. if you decide to use both, put the electrolytes in her water and give her the vits, by dribbling onto her beak.. but not sure if you'd need to do both, hopefully someone else can weigh in on that.
I like to take a lil eye dropper with gatorade, and give em a couple drops every couple hours. this way you know they r drinking and you don't have to dip there beak. if you place the moisture on the space inbetween where the beak meets they will suck it or lick it off their beak.
Just came back from town. Couldn't find the poli-vi-sol (won't get any more for another month!) so got Vit-al, a vitamin electrolyte and mineral supplement. Put a little in her water and dipped her beak but she didn't want any.

I also got some syringes so I'll try that squirt method in a few. Want to give her a chance to rest. She's still struggling, but looks a tiny bit better than she did at 1:30 this morning. She's moved a little while we were gone. I find that encouraging.

My son wants to rename her Penny, because BooBoo means she's a mistake. I told her that's not what was intended, but once an autistic kid gets something in his head ... well, I told him he can call her Penny but I'll call her Boo. To mean: hello, I'm back from the dead!

Here's hoping!

Thanks for all of the advice. I appreciate it.

Intend to take pix tonight.
you have to be very careful when giving food and water to birds, it's best not to put the liquid into their mouths because they can aspirate it into their lungs, just dribble it along their beaks where their mouth opens and closes, they'll drink it that way. of course you can tube feed but someone else will have to walk you through that.
I did the syringe thing and probably squirted too much. But she wouldn't open her mouth! So once she did, bam. Too much. I should have practiced with the syringe before I did it on her. Lots dribbled out but I made sure she was fine before I put her down. When I did, whew! Huge poo! That seemed to exhaust her because she laid down. But breathing ok (well, still panting but not as hard).

Thanks for the word of caution. I'll be more careful. I plan to do it every hour or so.
I hope she makes it. She still may have a weak heart, but I'll happily be wrong! The heavy breathing is so typical of a racing heart but it can also be the sign that she is in pain (or probably a couple other things)

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