6-Day Old Chick is Panting

I am so sorry to hear that My, but it's probably for the best, I had a duckling that probably had a heart defect and she lived to be about 3 months but It is really a blessing when they go on early at least she isn't suffering any more and you did all you could. Now you can focus on the others and enjoy them...
Thank you. But sure can't wallow.

I have 5 chicks still alive, 25+ more coming this Friday (hopefully this batch will be alive since the last batch all arrived dead), another 30 or so in March, and mid-March we're hatching 60+ of our eggs. They all need me.


Although I miss my Boo.

Update: Just wanted to say that all 5 that survived are still alive. Growing fast, in the 3x5 brooder coop in the garage. Have the heat lamp on but they don't really need it anymore. Feathering out nicely. Got snow last night but I think they'll be ready for the outdoor 3x5 coop in another week or two.

Got chicks from Cackle ... of the 27 sent, only 20 are still alive.

And have another batch hatching right now.

AND picking up another 30 or so from the feed store today ... just waiting for their call!

We're going to be sooo busy! Thanks for all of the info. Now ... my pregnant goat is coughing, but that's another thread.
I don't want to step on anyone's toes but is it wise to give chickens dairy? Dairy gives them diarrhea and if a chicken is alreay feeling bad or not eating like it should wouldn't that be more harmful? I'm not a doctor but everywhere that I had read it says that dairy is only given if they need to have their systems purged.

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