7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I just bought a dozen kahki campbell eggs! Never incubated ducks before but ive always wanted to :) wont make it into this hatchalong
I will not candle tonight. I will not candle tonight. I will not candle tonight. I will candle tonight. :rolleyes:
too late for me...

The rest of my eggs in the repaired egg turner:

I've got 9 definite veining eggs, 2 maybes, 1 that might be a blood ring, and not sure on the rest.

Hmh. Maybe I should candle again. Then again, I need to wait awhile. I never saw much in my chicken eggs either. I could have a dull light.

My eggs got here!

Woo hoo!!
Since you guys were so helpful with my last question (Thank you!) I actually have 1 more ;) My eggs arrived and are super muddy...they look like mud balls...silly ducks! Should I rinse them off? I tried googleing to no avail. I just got a Brinsea and don't really want to put potentially Bacteria ridden mud balls in there just yet...but I don't want to hurt their chances of making it either. Do you guys rinse your eggs when they look like this....

That egg was shipped to you?? I've never seen a shipped egg so muddy! I'm sorry you received it like that. Wash it, it should be fine. :hugs

Tea.  You need tea.  I have about 100 varieties, we'll find something you like.

Oh, I love tea!!
It's getting so close! I'm getting excited!! Tomorrow I will set up my incubator and get it all prepped and running. :fl my eggs are fertile :fl

Question, for the number of eggs contest, is it to guess how many eggs will be set by everyone for this HAL?

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