7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I had an oozer last hatch... It was so gross. I had candled it like, half an hour before and it looked great... Veining and the embryo was wiggling

I have only 2 brown eggs and the one was cracked. When I candled it to fix it, it's not just cracked...it's more like smashed. I used my fastest drying top coat. (thanks for that tip you guys!) I bet 99.9% it won't develop...but I sure hope it isn't going to ooze.

Sooooo.....if an extra egg or twelve fell into the bator today, would they still qualify for the HAL? Just curious, stranger things have happened with my bator in the past.

I love it when that happens.
Got another this morning... its still within 48 hours of the set date/time... i could still set it... hmmm

Can we really include a few more?? My chickens are so, SO evil. They gave me 2 eggs yesterday and 2 more(at last check) today. I think it's really rude that they keep temping us with those eggs!

Will you put me on a list to ask me if I am interested in eggs this spring when you start selling again? Love your birds!

Here is my little blue frizzle. A friend gave me eggs. She has a blue, and a couple of black silkie hens from me, and she has the blue Frizzle dad.
Awwww...your chicky looks just like an angel with wings on the back! .

That's ok I told Ron I set 29 eggs. I know I went to incubator with 18 shipped and 11 of mine. After posting picture of my eggs I realized there are 30
I DIDNT do it least I'm pretty sure I didn't. They say memory is the first to go...
I finally took a picture to count my eggs...
...and now I've added more.

I get to set the last of my eggs tonight (quail eggs!) yay!
That's awesome!

@ChickaLong What are you using three thermostats for? :)
I use at least that. It verifies temperature and let's you know if one is reading off
I'm using four at the moment.
Planning on adding/replacing one with an aquarium thermometer. I use mine in different spots to check the temperature just in case.

Ok! I will pm later on how many 'accidentally' fell into the bator.

I have only 2 brown eggs and the one was cracked. When I candled it to fix it, it's not just cracked...it's more like smashed. I used my fastest drying top coat. (thanks for that tip you guys!) I bet 99.9% it won't develop...but I sure hope it isn't going to ooze.

Can we really include a few more?? My chickens are so, SO evil. They gave me 2 eggs yesterday and 2 more(at last check) today. I think it's really rude that they keep temping us with those eggs!

Awwww...your chicky looks just like an angel with wings on the back! .

I finally took a picture to count my eggs...
...and now I've added more.

That's awesome!

I'm using four at the moment.
Planning on adding/replacing one with an aquarium thermometer. I use mine in different spots to check the temperature just in case.


Today is the deadline for adding eggs.

Yes, add them! They will be a bit behind in hatching but will be fine.
@ChickaLong What are you using three thermostats for? :)

I have the one probe in the practice golf ball that cuts out the heating element. I just got 2 more thermostats and I am checking out their accuracy. I had 4 total with 3 used just to check temp. The 2 little rectangular units are to check humidity against the round one that was calibrated. The rectangular ones that also show temp in C are reading low. I have changed to one of my new thermostats as they can be set in tenths of a degree where the older ones only to full degrees. I have pulled some of the extras out.
Today is the deadline for adding eggs.

Yes, add them! They will be a bit behind in hatching but will be fine.

I had a baby momma problem so I waited until today to set mine. I want my girls to be able to watch the chicks hatch. Baby momma has plans with them until Saturday afternoon. The dont have school until Tuesday

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