7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I candled all my eggs last night; the Christmas eggs and the eggs for this hatch that were put in on the 11th and I have questions.

For this thread's hatch I had a couple of blue eggs that I didn't see a vein but they showed change and I imagine there'll be veining if I candled tonight. Some eggs showed a vein or two and some eggs showed embryos with vein development! I saw veins at the end of day 2 with the Christmas hatch which totally surprised me, and some didn't show development...but did show development later on.

Do some eggs start developing before others in the same group? And that much? The oldest egg of mine for this thread is from the 26th of Nov. so it's a pretty tight hatch (for me.) I don't remember seeing this in the hatches I did this summer/fall. I'm an extreme novice at incubating so I don't have the experience and knowledge for comparison. I have forced air and no noticeable cool spots. I rotate eggs in position and level to keep everything even. And as far as I can tell I should be hitting the 95.5-100 range by what my calibrated thermometers say. I have a variety of sizes of eggs incubating, but both regular sized eggs and tiny eggs showed slightly more developed eggs AND lesser developed eggs.
(I hope this makes sense...I'm beyond exhausted today...lol!)

I noticed that on my last hatch.(which was my first)
I don't know , but I think the fresher an egg is the better potential for faster development? I don't know. I know people say not to incubate eggs over 10-14 days old,
So perhaps that is why?

I found/used a fan from the house for the coop. It has a temperature switch on it. Works great. I've also hood up an attic vent that woks on hydrolics opens when hot closes back with cooler temp
Hope you get bunches of quail.
I noticed that on my last hatch.(which was my first)
I don't know , but I think the fresher an egg is the better potential for faster development? I don't know. I know people say not to incubate eggs over 10-14 days old,
So perhaps that is why?

Each day will, on average add an hour to the hatch--a day old egg should hatch 14 hours earlier than a 14 day old egg.

Someone did a study--likely from a poultry grad student.
Each day will, on average add an hour to the hatch--a day old egg should hatch 14 hours earlier than a 14 day old egg.

Someone did a study--likely from a poultry grad student.

This is why, when I candle early..yep..I can see more development in some of my eggs set. Had one given to me for this hatch coming up, that was several days older than the others. I have it marked too, will see what happens.
On the HAL eggs, I can definitely see less development in one of the eggs. I see the little embryo, but no movement yet..no black spot moving like I am seeing with the others.
I noticed your Sig.
Where did you get your Arkansas Blue Egg Layers/Penedesenca's?
Are you satisfied with them?
How many eggs can you expect a year?
I got them from a member from Arkansas. She had to give them up though because she works at a poultry place--avian flu--they made her give up all of her birds.

The penedesencas are from Our Fly Babies.

Both breeds lay better than Marans and Cream Legbars.
You are so bad!

Now I want to canle too. I have Trader Joes and Whole Foods fertile eggs incubating and I want to see if they were really fertile....


I hatched Trader Joe eggs last hatch. 6 out of 11 hatched. I cracked the 12 th one putting it in argh. 2 rooster 4 hens. One hen escaped coop while very young and I could not catch her to save myself. Called her Ginger for Ginger bread man. All the neighbors couldn't catch her either. I'm sure the pair of fox here got her. I now have the 3 hens leghorns about 4 months old at this point. No eggs yet. Not bad for $2.99
All of my eggs are impossible to see into. I have maran and maran cross eggs. Even my sussex and welsummer eggs are too dark. My araucauna eggs, same deal. I can see air cells and they are getting larger. My blue and green eggs I can see yolk, but nothing else. I see o e dark spot in one, but it could be a meat spot. I've tried a 450 lumen light and my egg candler box with a 75w bulb (cfl cool).

Guess new years eve will tell the tale!

All eggs were 1-4 days old. Eggs from day 5,before hatching gathering) were made into quiche and all had bullseyes.
I hatched Trader Joe eggs last hatch. 6 out of 11 hatched. I cracked the 12 th one putting it in argh. 2 rooster 4 hens. One hen escaped coop while very young and I could not catch her to save myself. Called her Ginger for Ginger bread man. All the neighbors couldn't catch her either. I'm sure the pair of fox here got her. I now have the 3 hens leghorns about 4 months old at this point. No eggs yet. Not bad for $2.99

I hatched some out last NYD hatch--I still have 5 hens from them. One of them likes to escape too. She hopped the fence and the neighbors little dog got some of her feathers.

I can catch her though.

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