7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

My condolences chickenhawk33! Mine hatched two days late. It was a long New Years. The eggs would rock, but Then they'd get still and quiet. I so appreciate everyone's posts! They each took a turn hatching over two days. I now appreciate everyone of them. Was up last night with one of my chicks it has a toe that was making him cry. Put a boot.on him sO it can walk. I had shipped eggs, so I drank a lot of coffee(long two days) - Wishing everybody a year of prosperity and cheer!
Sorry! it was super rainy and wet yesterday and she was SOPPING Wet.... And she is actually a pure serama! They can have different feather types, its really cool!

ok... This is going to be a long post, just FYI...
a week or two ago I emailed Jerry (The Guy who imported them into the US) and I pay palled him the money for the birds. I expected him to email or call to tell us that he was sending the birds.... Nope! Yesterday morning we get a call from the post office saying that our birds are here... WHAT?! So we scramble to get ready And pick up the birds... I don't even have a coop ready yet.... Yesterday was WAY to rainy to make one, So they are living in a dog crate in my bedroom... My dad is brining home some pallets tonight from work. But they came in great shape, Little bit of feather damage, but that is kind of expected since they came from a cardboard box with wholes... Also there was an EGG in the box with them! YAY! I am SUPER Exited about this pair!

That is so cool..you got an egg. At least you know that she is laying, now to find out if it is fertile..did you check? Too bad they didn't let you know what was up! At least they are warm and cozy for now. :)


X's 2! Thank you for everything here ron. It's been a lot of fun! I sold all of the babies I decided not to keep. I did good, and only kept three. :)

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