7week old rooster pickling on 7week old pullets


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 4, 2014
East Iowa
My rooster runs after the pullets, pecks them, he seems to posture up at them, and he steals foods from them too. Should I do something? Will we have to eat him? Could he get better? Is this normal? Picking!lol
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Is there any actual physical harm (missing feathers, broken skin, etc) being done? How much space are they currently in? Do you have only one feed/water station?
They are in 8x4 coop with a 9x12 run and there are three horizontal watering nipples and 2 feeding stations. I have noticed some feathers in the coop but I thought they were just from new feathers coming in. One of my Turkens had a red mark on her neck but, it went away in a day .
Also, this was the first night they were out in the run when it got dark. Is it true that the rooster should be the last one in? That he is suppose to get his girls in first? He was the second one in. I put him back outside and got the girls on first. I hope that was okay.
Adolescent cockrels mature earlier than pullets the same age, and can be rough. Some chickens will be more aggressive than others too. Treat the wounded chick, and see how things develop over time. You've got the bare minimum of coop space, and Red Stars tend to be pushy. I've never had Turkens, so don't know about them. Everything may settle down given some more time. Mary

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