
I had 5 more pips after the ball dropped last night. When I got up this morning 1 was still about 1/3 zipped and had been that way for a few hours. It was all dried up so I went to help it and I found it's feet tied up by the yolk sack. No wonder it could not progress. I did my best to get the feet out but it was damaging and stressful. The chick is still alive but is there anything I can do for the bit of yolk sack that is hanging. Do I just tie it off with some string and wait for it to fall off? Also the first egg to pip died and I don't know why. 2 others were also dead but it was from malpositions.

The yolk looks absorbed. If the string looks dry, you can snip it off with scissors--not too close to the belly though. Do not ever pull the string because you can hurt the organs in the chick.

Keep up updated on how it does!
is it still attached to its stomach? If its not id cut it off its legs

If it is you can put it in a small tea of coffee cup and wait for it to absorb the yolk, ive seen people do that before

Yes it is still attached to the naval area. It was wrapped tight around the feet. I managed to get the feet out but damaged it some. The chick was stiff on one side from drying out so I had to was it a bit in warm water. It's head is still very crusty but I don't want to stress it any further. It is doing pretty good walking around the bator at the moment.
Could I use any of these to add to the chicks water? They're at Walmart and I've read not to get from Walmart because they didn't have "organic with the mother" but I found these.

I had 5 more pips after the ball dropped last night. When I got up this morning 1 was still about 1/3 zipped and had been that way for a few hours. It was all dried up so I went to help it and I found it's feet tied up by the yolk sack. No wonder it could not progress. I did my best to get the feet out but it was damaging and stressful. The chick is still alive but is there anything I can do for the bit of yolk sack that is hanging. Do I just tie it off with some string and wait for it to fall off? Also the first egg to pip died and I don't know why. 2 others were also dead but it was from malpositions.



Yes, you can tie it off and snip off the extra. I've had to do that before with a young poult that ruptured his. He had the same issue with the cord being wrapped around his leg. Just make sure to get a couple drops of vitamin water in him to give him a little boost.
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I have one also put it in a coffee cup hoping to have it release I did moisten it
if I can get through my cup of coffee be a bit human I will retrieve my phone
take a photo there is roughly 5 or 6 chicks out now
We have six in the brooder now! Two more just hatched an hour ago and still in the incubator, and #9 has a beak sticking out :)
Yes, you can tie it off and snip off the extra. I've had to do that before with a young poult that ruptured his. He had the same issue with the cord being wrapped around his leg. Just make sure to get a couple drops of vitamin water in him to give him a little boost.

Thanks! I just tied it off and cut it but I think I'm to late. It was moving around in the bator with the other chicks climbing on all the eggs and now it looks like it pulled out some intestines.
Any chance they will suck back up?

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