
Oh..little dog didn't like it!
Brody went potty, and ran all the way back to the door!

I did and i helped but it hadn't absorbed all the yolk, put it back in the bator but it has stopped moving. I wish i could afford the Brinsea products but im awaiting my disability benefits so cannot afford one right now. I wish i could bid on some egg's on the auction page but again, cannot right now. I was going to ask if anyone might consider donating some extra egg's but my pride and heart are too hurt right now. My new year did not start happy but Happy new year and congrats on your new chick's
This is always a learning process and stuff like this happens.

I have had to cull chicks--often one at each hatch with shipped eggs.

I look forward to seeing you on the Easter hatch a long thread! Conditions should be better then since Easter is later than normal this year.
Can I start a gofund me egg page? My last two chick's that I had to assist have stopped moving and cheeping. I am devastated. New year started with sadness. I am awaiting my disability to start so money is tight. If someone has extra egg's very cheap, please let me know.
This is always a learning process and stuff like this happens.

:hugs  I have had to cull chicks--often one at each hatch with shipped eggs.

I look forward to seeing you on the Easter hatch a long thread! Conditions should be better then since Easter is later than normal this year.
Thank you. These were not shipped egg's, they were Trader Joe fertile egg's.
Can I start a gofund me egg page? My last two chick's that I had to assist have stopped moving and cheeping. I am devastated. New year started with sadness. I am awaiting my disability to start so money is tight. If someone has extra egg's very cheap, please let me know.
Ive read that people use those free range eggs at grocery stores and have a couple hatch out. Also it's ALMOST chick time at the local feed stores. Late feb range... much less heart break with eggs not hatching going that route.
Can I start a gofund me egg page? My last two chick's that I had to assist have stopped moving and cheeping. I am devastated. New year started with sadness. I am awaiting my disability to start so money is tight. If someone has extra egg's very cheap, please let me know.
Check out the by sell trade section of the thread. Another good place to check is your local state thread.

gofund me might work too

Offended by the flash, we are...

Got 4 Ameraucanas, last one is pipped... and 1 Rouen mix duck egg pipped...
These are ADORABLE!!! YAY chickies - go ducks!!!

all of the nyd hatch
Beautiful chicks, but I saw this photo and wanted to start singing "one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong".... What is that little white one in the middle?

Oh my goodness! We got snow! We got a phone call early this morning, just as I was getting up. They said not to go out unless you have 4 wheel drive. Same time my husband was on the phone listening to the message..his cell phone rings. It's his brother, he calls back. He's stuck in the parking lot of his wife's work. We have a small dodge truck with 4 wheel drive. He's out helping him now. This is unreal, the most snow we've had in years...and it's supposed to keep snowing until Friday! Our freeway is even closed.
Well, out to shovel paths.
My husband did get up early with our old dog to let out. He wasn't really paying attention .. just thought, wow, we got a lot of snow. Looked down in time to see our poor old Ziggy, a S hcnoodle..disappear under the snow as he jumped off the porch. DH hurrys and gets him, then gets a broom for a quick fix for the dog
LOL I can just see the pup disappearing - I loved the photo of him RUNNING back after he finished his business. Snow is beautiful, I love skiing down a hill, but I like living in a house that has NEVER seen snow better. I just need to drive about 60 miles to get to the local ski resort. I hope that the weather improves soon!

Great photos everyone! Good luck on the stragglers, I hope some hatch!

Look at this beautiful thing I just spoiled myself with for a late breakfast! 12 quail eggs fried inside a slice of rosemary sourdough bread, sprinkled with white cheddar and fresh cracked pepper.

First time eating quail eggs like this and let me tell you, did not disappoint. A little yolk in every bite. <3 only my second time eating eggs from my birds.

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