
got a 2nd pip. No zips just single pip holes on 2 eggs. And can hear quiet chirps every once in a while.

The suspense. Oh. Man. It's killing me. Lol. It's only day 20. Day 21 officially starts around 630-7 tonight.

How long does it usually take from pip to hatch? I'm assuming/guessing 12-24 hours?
No, they are both Ameraucana babies
There's a lady here locally that is working on a BBS mottled project and all the eggs i got from her came from that pen. So I have two black ones like the left chick, the blue on the right, one blue mottled, and what looks like a dark blue/black mottled. #16 would have been a blue mottled as well.

Now, I do have a speckled sussex/australorp chick but im not 100% sure which of my two black chicks it is. The other is a black sex link though since a barred rock was the mom, so I do have at least one girl out of the hatch

I think the BSL is the first chick and the australorp cross is the second, after googling chick pics lol

Thanks for all the kind words!

Oh wow..mottled!
got a 2nd pip. No zips just single pip holes on 2 eggs. And can hear quiet chirps every once in a while.

The suspense. Oh. Man. It's killing me. Lol. It's only day 20. Day 21 officially starts around 630-7 tonight.

How long does it usually take from pip to hatch? I'm assuming/guessing 12-24 hours?

Most of the time. Some will, pip, then zip..then hatch within an hr. But like you said, 12..to 24 hrs is more than likely. After 24 hrs..need to check on them.
I just have big plastic bins I use for brooders. I have silkies that hatched 11/29 in one of them. I'd really like to move them outside - with a heat plate. I took their heat plate away in their brooder 2 days ago, since they are in a heated bathroom, and there are 11 of them to keep each other warm. They are doing fine.

A couple of the silkies are braver than the rest. They have been jumping out of their bin all week. Now that I have the new babies in a bin right next to the silkie bin, one of these brave wanderers keeps jumping into the baby bin and terrorizing them. Boy do the babies scream at the invader! Sounds like someone is being tortured. I have the heat plate pretty low, so the babies are hiding out at the back and the big silkie just wanders around and eats their food and drinks their water.

I'm going to move this coop up against my house.. Since none of my silkies like to climb, I'll replace the ladder with a ramp - but if they are like the last babies I had in this - they had to be lifted in and out for the first few weeks.

The weather is supposed to range from 46 to 65, most days right around 59. I would expect the babies to spend most of their time in the run, outside the coop area. Do I need to include a heat plate in the bottom area, and other inside? Am I moving them outside too soon?

They have feathers, but aren't completely feathered. Here are 2 of the jumpers, one just as it was jumping into the baby bin, the other back into it's own bin.


@Jessimom I looked back in my pics at the chicks I hatched for the Halloween HAL. I think they were hatched Nov1-2...I've got a pic of them fluffed out on Nov. 4th. I put them in my rabbit cage in the tractor shed Nov 20. They had a 175 watt heat bulb.

The day I put them put out.

I think temps at that time were as cold as -5C (23F) outside. I'm thinking it was about 5C-10C inside.

I posted the following on Dec 13th on the temp thread.

Dec 13th: -20C (-4F) which is considerably warming than a couple of days ago at -33C (-27.4F)

(-10C (14F) would be a lot nicer to endure...lol.)

I moved these chicks into the coop in the warmer weather a week ago and at that point their heat bulb had been unplugged for about a week.

It was -27C outside last night, -15C in the coop for them. I have a heat lamp over their water again because they aren't drinking it fast enough to keep it from turning solid.

In my case I don't have any wind because the chicks have been inside buildings. I don't know if any of this helps at all...but I thought I'd post what my Nov chicks have made it through temperature wise if any of that can help.
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@Jessimom I looked back in my pics at the chicks I hatched for the Halloween HAL. I think they were hatched Nov1-2...I've got a pic of them fluffed out on Nov. 4th. I put them in my rabbit cage in the tractor shed Nov 20. They had a 175 watt heat bulb. The day I put them put out. I think temps at that time were as cold as -5C (23F) outside. I'm thinking it was about 5C-10C inside. I posted the following on Dec 13th on the temp thread. Dec 13th: -20C (-4F) which is considerably warming than a couple of days ago at -33C (-27.4F) :sick (-10C (14F) would be a lot nicer to endure...lol.) I moved these chicks into the coop in the warmer weather a week ago and at that point their heat bulb had been unplugged for about a week. It was -27C outside last night, -15C in the coop for them. I have a heat lamp over their water again because they aren't drinking it fast enough to keep it from turning solid. In my case I don't have any wind because the chicks have been inside buildings. I don't know if any of this helps at all...but I thought I'd post what my Nov chicks have made it through temperature wise if any of that can help. :)
Great information! I put my Dec 1 hatch outside today. It's going to be about 50F here today and probably drop to below freezing a degree or two tonight. I think I will bring them in for the night, but continue to make their outdoor stints longer and longer. I always underestimate what little birds can tolerate.
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@Jessimom I looked back in my pics at the chicks I hatched for the Halloween HAL. I think they were hatched Nov1-2...I've got a pic of them fluffed out on Nov. 4th. I put them in my rabbit cage in the tractor shed Nov 20. They had a 175 watt heat bulb.

The day I put them put out.

I think temps at that time were as cold as -5C (23F) outside. I'm thinking it was about 5C-10C inside.

I posted the following on Dec 13th on the temp thread.

Dec 13th: -20C (-4F) which is considerably warming than a couple of days ago at -33C (-27.4F)

(-10C (14F) would be a lot nicer to endure...lol.)

I moved these chicks into the coop in the warmer weather a week ago and at that point their heat bulb had been unplugged for about a week.

It was -27C outside last night, -15C in the coop for them. I have a heat lamp over their water again because they aren't drinking it fast enough to keep it from turning solid.

In my case I don't have any wind because the chicks have been inside buildings. I don't know if any of this helps at all...but I thought I'd post what my Nov chicks have made it through temperature wise if any of that can help.
BRRRRRRRRRRR That is chilly!! Cute chicks! I know living in Southern CA - I overly worry - since I know folks that hatch chicks outside int he barn with freezing temps.

I did move them outside late yesterday afternoon. I left them in the upper area with a heat plate, food and water. This morning I opened the door - 7 jumped out and were LOVING it. Then the temps dropped and those 7 all huddled in a ball, so we put them back up under the heat plate. It's over 50F, so it can't be that bad. They have no problem getting out, they just haven't figured out how to get back in.

The ground under the coop is damp - it's been raining off and on for a few weeks and this area is shady and hasn't really dried out completely. I saw the little chicks digging under all the leaves and finding bugs for the first time - it was AWESOME!!!

For the eggs that I thought were a few days behind my 1/1 hatch are still brewing. I candled last night and I saw veins, but no pips. Air cells look good. I'm thinking they should hatch tomorrow or the next day. Then I have 4 more than are a week behind these. Those 4 are hanging out in the LG - I wish I could remember exactly when I set them!!!!
Quote: I don't think you're overly worrying. It's all relative...you're chickens are used to warmer temps comparatively so it may be a it warmer where you are but the amount of change is still close. Trust me...I'm worrying ALL the time about mine. I didn't like it one bit when it got to -33C and I wasn't liking it last night at -27. Now the Nov chicks are new to the coop and I hope they all stay together...you know how they can be silly at times. Like your babies who don't know where to go back in...lol. I also moved all the bigger/older half grown birds to the other side with the big girls and guineas...so I'm hoping everything goes smoothly. I know the odd one gets pecked or bossed. Can't wait until the temps warm up again here to where it's decent. it's the first time I've ever had chicks in these temps. Last year was much warmer than this winter.

I like your coop! I have a couple close to that. The wind blew the one over and broke some of the boards off so it's out of commission at the moment. They're very handy. Glad to hear your chicks are doing well and finding bugs already. Best of luck with them!

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