
My new years babies are growing so fast! Tiny week be a week old already tomorrow and the other 3 on Friday!

Left to right, Tiny, no name yet (open to suggestions!), Sylvia, Skittles





BRRRRRRRRRRR That is chilly!! Cute chicks! I know living in Southern CA - I overly worry - since I know folks that hatch chicks outside int he barn with freezing temps.

I did move them outside late yesterday afternoon. I left them in the upper area with a heat plate, food and water. This morning I opened the door - 7 jumped out and were LOVING it. Then the temps dropped and those 7 all huddled in a ball, so we put them back up under the heat plate. It's over 50F, so it can't be that bad. They have no problem getting out, they just haven't figured out how to get back in.

The ground under the coop is damp - it's been raining off and on for a few weeks and this area is shady and hasn't really dried out completely. I saw the little chicks digging under all the leaves and finding bugs for the first time - it was AWESOME!!!

For the eggs that I thought were a few days behind my 1/1 hatch are still brewing. I candled last night and I saw veins, but no pips. Air cells look good. I'm thinking they should hatch tomorrow or the next day. Then I have 4 more than are a week behind these. Those 4 are hanging out in the LG - I wish I could remember exactly when I set them!!!!

I can't imagine! Bugs..they are finding bugs in Jan. No bugs here. I just went out and gave mine some Calf Manna and BOSS before bedtime. They love it. Almost as much as bugs.
My new years babies are growing so fast! Tiny week be a week old already tomorrow and the other 3 on Friday!

Left to right, Tiny, no name yet (open to suggestions!), Sylvia, Skittles












Just a few.
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Our first chick we've ever hatched. 4pm today she officially made an entrance.

Should be a silkie looks like it might be a showgirl. Not totally sure as she's still drying.

Your first ever? Ooo, want to see these babies fluffed up. I love the silkies and the SG's!
It is time to post pictures for the cutest chick contest! Post your pictures in the contest thread--Do not digitally edit the photo.

6. Cutest Chick Hatched

First Prize: Mystery "Mystery" prize from the BYC Store valued at $40+

Second Prize: 6 month Golden Feather Membership donated by @DwayneNLiz

Open to all hatch a long members except Hatch a long Administrators. Post baby pictures in this thread and we will vote on them. One picture per member and no digital editing. Entries accepted until January 8th.

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It is time to post pictures for the cutest chick contest! Post your pictures in the contest thread--Do not digitally edit the photo.

6. Cutest Chick Hatched

First Prize: Mystery "Mystery" prize from the BYC Store valued at $40+

Second Prize: 6 month Golden Feather Membership donated by @DwayneNLiz

Open to all hatch a long members except Hatch a long Administrators. Post baby pictures in this thread and we will vote on them. One picture per member and no digital editing. Entries accepted until January 8th.


Been hatching for quite some time and I've had decent hatches. Most of the ones that die on me on lockdown is mostly either they piped on the bottom of the egg or the eggs were rolled by the chicks that hatched. I read several posts of hatchers using the egg cartons during lockdown and had no problems with the eggs upright on the carton. I've never tried it but planning on doing it tomorrow on lockdown with my last hatch due on 7th/8th due to power outage.

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