A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

In my bee class we learned that painting hives different colors seemed to minimize the "drift" that occurs in a bee yard, when the hives on the outside tend to pick up more returning bees. I know that's not a huge issue, just thought it was a neat tidbit.

I heard that, too. Where are you taking the class? I'm at the one in Wye Mills.
We use a smoker fueled by dry long pine needles. Works well for us ~ we never tried the oils for working the hive.

We just started using "Honey Robber" to remove the honey as it seems less stress full then when we would "blow" the bees out with a shop vac reversed. The Honey Robber takes about 3 to 5 minutes to clear the supers.
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We light the smoker but don't always need to use it. We use Fisher Bee Quick, which is an essential oil formulation, to take off honey. Other than that slow, purposeful, methodical movement and a veil are all we use - well, he is veiled while tearing into the hive, I'm usually not. It's all in how you handle the bees - but be always vigilant and have your face protected.

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